Required environment:
php 5.3.3
apache 2.2.7
mysql 5.5.8
Related document download: Click to download
Extract the Memcached_1.2.5 document, execute memcached.exe -d -install under cmd
Extract the php5.3_vc6_memcachedll document, and copy the php_memcache.dll file to the ext file directory of the PHP installation directory.
Then fill in this sentence in php.ini: extension="php_memcache.dll"
Check under phpinfo() to see if the memcache extension is referenced.
Test code:
Copy code The code is as follows:
$mem = new Memcache;
$mem->connect("", 11211);
//Save data
$mem-> set('key1', 'This is first value', 0, 60);
$val = $mem->get('key1');
echo "Get key1 value: " . $val . "
//Replace data
$mem->replace('key1', 'This is replace value', 0, 60);
$val = $mem ->get('key1');
echo "Get key1 value: " . $val . "
//Save the array
$arr = array('aaa ', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd');
$mem->set('key2', $arr, 0, 60);
$val2 = $mem->get( 'key2');
echo "Get key2 value: ";
echo "
//Delete data
$mem ->delete('key1');
$val = $mem->get('key1');
echo "Get key1 value: " . $val . "
" ;
//Clear all data
$val2 = $mem->get('key2');
echo "Get key2 value: ";
echo "
//Close the connection
$memcachehost = '192.168. 10.1';
$memcacheport = 11211;
$memcachelife = 60;
$memcache = new Memcache;
$memcache->connect($memcachehost,$memcacheport) or die ("Could not connect");
$query="select * from user limit 10";
while ( $row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
key ,serialize($arr),0,30);
$data = $arr ;
$f = 'mem';
$data_mem=$memcache-> ;get($key);
$data = unserialize($data_mem);
echo $f;
echo "";
foreach($data as $a)
echo $a[user_id]._.$a[email];
echo "";
News system application:
Copy code The code is as follows: //==============memcache$memcachehost = '';
$memcacheport = 11211;
$memcachelife = 60;
$memcache = new Memcache;
$memcache->connect($memcachehost,$memcacheport) or die ("Could not connect");
//============== News
$sql="SELECT id,title,left(title,16) as biaoti,date_time FROM `p_newsbase` where shenhe='1' order by id DESC limit 7 ";
$query=$db-> ;query($sql);
$str=$row_news['biaoti '].$db->time_out($row_news['date_time']);
$sm_news[]=array("name"=>$str,"title"=>$row_news['title' ],"id"=>$row_news['id'],"date_time"=>$row_news['date_time']);
if(!$memcache->get($key )){
$data_mem=$memcache->get($key) ;
$sm_news = unserialize($data_mem);
$smarty->assign("sm_news",$sm_news); // environment: php 5.3.3 apache 2.2.7 mysql 5.5.8 Related document download: Click to download and decompress Memcached_1 .2.5 document, execute memcached.exe -d -install under cmd to install php5.3_vc6_memcachedll file...