Function Code 1: Delete the directory and all files in the directory
Copy the code The code is as follows:
//Loop to delete directories and files function
function delDirAndFile( $dirName )
if ( $handle = opendir( "$dirName" ) ) {
while ( false !== ( $item = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
if ( $item != "." && $item != ".." ) {
if ( is_dir( "$dirName/$ item" ) ) {
delDirAndFile( "$dirName/$item" );
} else {
if( unlink( "$dirName/$item" ) ) echo "File deleted successfully: $dirName/ $item
closedir( $handle );
if( rmdir( $dirName ) )echo " Directory deleted successfully: $dirName
Function code 2: Only delete files in the specified directory, not the directory folder .
Copy code The code is as follows:
//Loop all files in the directory
function delFileUnderDir( $dirName )
if ( $handle = opendir( "$dirName" ) ) {
while ( false !== ( $item = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
if ( $item != "." && $item != ".." ) {
if ( is_dir( "$dirName/$item" ) ) {
delFileUnderDir( "$dirName/$item" ) ;
} else {
if( unlink( "$dirName/$item" ) ) echo "File deleted successfully: $dirName/$item
closedir( $handle );
Usage example:
Assume that it needs to be deleted A sibling directory named "upload" is all the files in this directory. You can complete it with the following code:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
delDirAndFile( 'upload');
Suppose you need to delete all files in a directory named "upload" (but do not need to delete the directory folder), you can do the following Code completion:
delFileUnderDir( 'upload');
?> // code 1: Delete the directory and all files in the directory Copy code The code is as follows: //Delete directories and files in a loop function function delDirAndFile( $dirName ) { if ( $handle = opendir...