PHP Notes: Usage Analysis of Data Types and Constants_PHP Tutorial
Jul 21, 2016 pm 03:10 PM
setType — Set the type of variable
bool settype ( mixed $var , string $type )
Set the type of variable var to type .
type are:
• "boolean" (or "bool" since PHP 4.2.0)
• "integer" (or "int" since PHP 4.2.0)
• "float" ( Only available after PHP 4.2.0, "double" used in older versions is now deprecated)
•" null" (since PHP 4.2.0)
Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if failed.
intval(), floatval(), stringval() will not change the type of the original variable.
isset—Detect whether the variable is set
bool isset ( mixed $var [, mixed $var [, $... ]] )
Returns TRUE if var exists, otherwise returns FALSE.
If a variable has been released using unset(), it will no longer be isset(). If you use isset() to test a variable that is set to NULL, it will return FALSE. Also note that a NULL byte ("
Note: Warning isset() can only be used with variables, as passing any other parameters will cause a parsing error. If you want to check whether a constant has been set, use the defined() function.
empty — Checks if a variable is empty
bool empty ( mixed $var )If var is a non-empty or non-zero value, empty() returns FALSE. In other words, "", 0, "0", NULL, FALSE, array(), var $var; and objects without any attributes will be considered empty. If var is empty, TRUE is returned. When the variable No warning will be generated if no value is set.
unset — Unset the given variable
void unset ( mixed $var [, mixed $var [, $... ]] )unset() destroys the specified variable. Note that in PHP 3, unset() will return TRUE (actually the integer value 1), while in PHP 4, unset() is no longer a real function: it is now a statement. There is no return value, and trying to get the return value of unset() will result in a parsing error.
gettype — Get the type of a variable
string gettype ( mixed $var )Returns the type of PHP variable var .
Variable type test function
Notes on reading the manual
1. Regular functionbool copy (string source, string dest)
2. With mixed, mixed means that any type of data can be passed
bool chown (string filename, mixed user)
3. Functions with & parameters, indicating reference assignment. This parameter cannot be passed by value, only a variable can be passed, and then the function changes the value of the variable. When we use this variable, the value also changes
bool arsort (array &array [, int sort_flags] )
Directly when declaring the function , give an initial value to the parameter.
Optional and required values must be set from back to front
bool arsort (array &array [, int sort_flags])
int array_unshift ( array &array, mixed var [, mixed ...] )
array array_filter (array input [, callback callback] )

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