After formally contacting phpcms module development, I developed several functional modules. Among them, I encountered the problem of batch uploading of images. So I started to explore the usage of swfupload in phpcms.
You can directly specify the image group in the content type that comes with phpcms. However, this image group function is not what I want to use. I need to upload an entire static html file. Need
Able to find a way to upload the entire folder. And be able to keep the original file name.
The purpose is summarized as follows:
1, Do not change the file and directory structure of the system.
2, realize the function of uploading multiple attachments.
3, you can get the folder name after uploading.
phpcms has its own attachment upload function. I want to use the swfupload function, and this function is integrated into the attachment upload function of phpcms. Then what I have to do is to extract it and modify it.
The first step is to study how to call this.
First, open firebug in the firefox browser and open the network panel. Find the button called up by swfupload in phpcm. See what connection the system is requesting.
Let’s find this method in this controller in this module.
Inside phpcms/modoules/attachemet/attachemts.php
Open it and take a look, the code is as follows
Then get the parameter args of swfupload from $_GET, and then verify the key. If the key passes, parse the args. Get the website id, get the website settings, and get the size of the attachment allowed to be uploaded. Get it from the cookie List of unused attachments.
Set various displays in the template. The last and most critical thing is that it uses the swfupload template. That means I need to find this template and see how swfupload is introduced.
The template is here: phpcms/modules/attachment/templates/swfupload.tpl.php
Open the template file. A bunch of files are introduced in the template file:
After that is the style file of swfupload and the necessary JS. Here a system function initupload is called. What does this function do?
Don’t underestimate this line. The entire swfupload configuration is here.
Let’s look for this function.
Found traces of it in phpcms/modules/attachment/functions/golable.func.php. The code is as follows. The main function of this function is to configure the swfupload plug-in.
button_image_url: "",
button_width: 75,
button_height: 28,
button_placeholder_id: "buttonPlaceHolder",
button_text_style: "",
button_text_top_padding: 3,
button_text_left_padding: 12,
button_window_mode: SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.TRANSPARENT,
button_cursor: SWFUpload.CURSOR.HAND,
file_dialog_start_handler: fileDialogStart,
file_queued_handler: fileQueued,
file_dialog_complete_hand ler:fileDialogComplete,
upload_progress_handler: uploadProgress, 🎜> upload_complete_handler:uploadComplete
wfupload.tpl. php
This template uses a js to control
> ul class="attachment-list" id="fsUploadProgress">
In the next step, we need to trigger the swf upload method after clicking on the file
You will find the following code in the code. The swfu.startUpload() method is called here. This method is defined in swfupload.js. We don’t need to pay attention to it.
How to call this thing in my program
First of all, we need to introduce these necessary files into the template that appears in this control
Then write such a tag in our template where you want to place swfupload
This place is the stuff inside the if that I didn’t pay attention to before.
Take it out and take a look
程序对上传成功做了echo操作.返回的东西是 返回了编号,上传后的地址,拓展名,文件名.
这些东西是给谁用的啊 我们还得回去看配置文件.
配置文件里面有一段是上传过程中各个事件将触发的方法. 有开始上传的.有上传成功的,有上传失败的.等等.
这个attachment文件里面的upload方法在系统类里面 也就是phpcms/libs/classes/attachment.class.php里面
怎么改,首先们要把配置文件改掉. 在自己的模块里面的functions文件夹里面建立自己的函数.我们用自己的函数名称 文件命名为global.func.php这样系统会通过auto_load把我们的函数加载
然后我们去改系统的attachment类 我们在自己的模块下的classes文件夹下面建立一个myattachment.class.php
$this->field = $field;
$this->savepath = $this->upload_root.$this->'Ymd');//这里我们需要修改下.也可以不修改.在我们实例化这个类的时候再来指定目录.
$this->alowexts = $alowexts;
$this->maxsize = $maxsize;
$this->overwrite = $overwrite;
$uploadfiles = array();
$description = isset($GLOBALS[$field.'_description']) ? $GLOBALS[$field.'_description'] : array();
if(is_array($_FILES[$field]['error'])) {
$this->uploads = count($_FILES[$field]['error']);
foreach($_FILES[$field]['error'] as $key => $error) {
if($error === UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) continue;
if($error !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$this->error = $error;
return false;
$uploadfiles[$key] = array('tmp_name' => $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'][$key], 'name' => $_FILES[$field]['name'][$key], 'type' => $_FILES[$field]['type'][$key], 'size' => $_FILES[$field]['size'][$key], 'error' => $_FILES[$field]['error'][$key], 'description'=>$description[$key],'fn'=>$fn);
} else {
$this->uploads = 1;
if(!$description) $description = '';
$uploadfiles[0] = array('tmp_name' => $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], 'name' => $_FILES[$field]['name'], 'type' => $_FILES[$field]['type'], 'size' => $_FILES[$field]['size'], 'error' => $_FILES[$field]['error'], 'description'=>$description,'fn'=>$fn);
if(!dir_create($this->savepath)) {
$this->error = '8';
return false;
if(!is_dir($this->savepath)) {
$this->error = '8';
return false;
@chmod($this->savepath, 0777);
if(!is_writeable($this->savepath)) {
$this->error = '9';
return false;
if(!$this->is_allow_upload()) {
$this->error = '13';
return false;
$aids = array();
foreach($uploadfiles as $k=>$file) {
$fileext = fileext($file['name']);
if($file['error'] != 0) {
$this->error = $file['error'];
return false;
if(!preg_match("/^(".$this->alowexts.")$/", $fileext)) {
$this->error = '10';
return false;
if($this->maxsize && $file['size'] > $this->maxsize) {
$this->error = '11';
return false;
if(!$this->isuploadedfile($file['tmp_name'])) {
$this->error = '12';
return false;
//$temp_filename = $this->getname($fileext);//名称在这里.我们需要修改下
$temp_filename = $file['tmp_name'].$fileext; //修改成原来的系统文件名称.
$savefile = $this->savepath.$temp_filename; $savefile = preg_replace("/(php|phtml|php3|php4|jsp|exe|dll|asp|cer|asa|shtml|shtm|aspx|asax|cgi|fcgi|pl)(.|$)/i", "_\1\2", $savefile); $filepath = preg_replace(new_addslashes("|^".$this->upload_root."|"), "", $savefile); if(!$this->overwrite && file_exists($savefile)) continue; $upload_func = $this->upload_func; if(@$upload_func($file['tmp_name'], $savefile)) { $this->uploadeds++; @chmod($savefile, 0644); @unlink($file['tmp_name']); $file['name'] = iconv("utf-8",CHARSET,$file['name']); $uploadedfile = array('filename'=>$file['name'], 'filepath'=>$filepath, 'filesize'=>$file['size'], 'fileext'=>$fileext, 'fn'=>$file['fn']); $thumb_enable = is_array($thumb_setting) && ($thumb_setting[0] > 0 || $thumb_setting[1] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0; $image = new image($thumb_enable,$this->siteid); if($thumb_enable) { $image->thumb($savefile,'',$thumb_setting[0],$thumb_setting[1]); } if($watermark_enable) { $image->watermark($savefile, $savefile); } $aids[] = $this->add($uploadedfile); } } return $aids; }
At this point, I have accomplished my goal. I have completed the file upload function I want without changing the system file directory.