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setRequest($request) This is to determine whether the request is inherited from Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract. If so, assign the value of front's _request to it.
Here you need to understand what Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract is. It is an abstract class that abstracts all requests. Zend has provided two implementation classes, Zend_Controller_Request_Http and Zend_Controller_Request_Simple. Generally, when we build servers, we use http requests, so if your project needs to inherit again, it usually directly inherits Zend_Controller_Request_Http.
In Zend_controller_Request_Http, the usual Http options such as getQuery, getCookie, getRequestUri, getBasePath, getParams, getHeader, etc. that we often use are already available.
Continue to talk about its base class Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract. The methods of this class include:
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$front->setRequest(new Zend_Controller_Request_Http()); The constructor of Zend_Controller_Request_Http is called here. When the constructor is called for the first time, it is $this->setRequestUri(); many of the setRequestUri are direct Use the data in the PHP global variable $_SERVER to get the requestUri.
What you can learn from setRequestUri is how to obtain requestUri in different servers (especially the different variable combinations in $SERVER in IIS have different meanings), such as usvn_test This url, its requestUri is /usvn/item/usvn_test
$front->throwExceptions(true); Set the internal _throwExceptions flag to true;
$front->setbaseUrl("/usvn") does two things. First, it sets the internal _baseUrl attribute of front. Second, it calls setBaseUrl of Request, which also sets the internal _baseUrl attribute of Zend_Controller_Request_Http.
$router = new Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite();
$router->addConfig($routes_config, 'routes');
The following three lines directly state that they actually use Zend’s Router module to use the configuration file. The router uses setRouter and is placed in the front.
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This function is also the most core function.
This function first registers a plug-in Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler with an index of 100 and puts the plug-in order at the end.
The second step stores a Helper, Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer, with an index of -80
Request is instantiated below, and request is a Zend_Controller_Request_Http type. And set the baseUrl of the request to the _baseUrl set previously, which is "/usvn/item/usvn_test"
Then the response is instantiated, and the response is a Zend_Controller_Response_Http();
The following uses plugins to set Request and Response. First, the setRequest function of Zend_Controller_Plugin_Broker is actually called. This function loops through all the plugins managed by the broker and calls the setRequest($request) function of the plugin (if any).
Next, initialize the router and set the parameters of the router. The router has been set previously, which is the Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite type
Initialize the dispatcher dispatcher. We see the dispatcher for the first time, the Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard class. Distributors will be discussed later.
The following process:
Call the routeStartup of the plug-in to process the request
Call the router’s route to handle the request
Call the plugin’s routeShutdown to process the request
Call the dispatchLoopStartup of the plug-in to process the request
Enter the cycle distribution process
Call the preDispatch of the plug-in to process the request
Call dispatcher’s dispatch to process request and response
Call the plug-in’s postDispatch to process the request
Get out of the loop distribution process
Call the plugin’s dispatchLoopShutdown to process the request
Send response