Copy code The code is as follows:
select FROM_UNIXTIME(pubtime, '%Y-%m') as pubtime, count(*) as cnt from articles group by FROM_UNIXTIME(pubtime, '%Y-%m')
PHP articles group by date (day) SQL archive
Copy code The code is as follows:
select FROM_UNIXTIME(pubtime, '%Y-%m-%d') as pubtime, count(*) as cnt from articles group by FROM_UNIXTIME(pubtime, '%Y-%m-%d')
Non-timestamp date format archive (date_format formatted date)
Copy code The code is as follows:
select date_format(`post_date`,'%Y%m%d') as pubtime, count(*) as cnt from wp_posts where `post_status`='publish' group by date_format(`post_date`,'%Y%m%d') order by `ID` desc
select date_format(`post_date`,'%Y%m%d') as pubtime,date_format(`post_date`, '%m month %d day') as shijian,count(*) as cnt from wp_posts where `post_status`='publish' group by date_format(`post_date`,'%Y%m%d') order by `ID` desc limit 0,7 // the code The code is as follows: select FROM_UNIXTIME(pubtime, '%Y-%m') as pubtime, count(* ) as cnt from articles group by FROM_UNIXTIME(pubtime, '%Y-%m') PHP articles are returned by date (day) SQL...