The php code is as follows:
Copy code The code is as follows:
header("Content-type: text/html ; charset=utf-8");
if (!empty($_POST['submit'])){
$url = $_POST['url'];
//For Operations to obtain images with relative paths
$url_fields = parse_url($url);
$main_url = $url_fields['host'];
$base_url = substr($url,0,strrpos( $url, '/')+1);
//Get web content
//Set proxy server
$opts = array('http'=>array('request_fulluri'=>true ));
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$content = file_get_contents($url,false,$context);
//Match the img tag and save all matching strings to the array$ matches
$reg = "/
preg_match_all($reg, $content, $matches);
$count = count($matches[0]);
for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){
/*Convert all image urls to lowercase
* $matches[1][$i] = strtolower($matches[1][$i]);
//If the image is a relative path, convert it to a full path
if (!strpos ('a'.$matches[1][$i], 'http')){
//Because '/' is the 0th position
if (strpos('a'.$matches[1 ][$i], '/')){
$matches[1][$i] = 'http://'.$main_url.$matches[1][$i];
}else {
$matches[1][$i] = $base_url.$matches[1][$i];
//Filter duplicate images
$img_arr = array_unique($matches[1]);
//Instantiate the image download class
$getImg = new DownImage();
$url_count = count($img_arr);
for ($i=0; $i<$url_count; $i++){
$getImg->source = $img_arr[$i];
$getImg->save_address = './pic/';
$file = $getImg->download();
echo "Download completed! Haha, keep it simple! ";
class DownImage{
public $source;//Remote image URL
public $save_address;//Save local address
public $set_extension; //Set image extension
public $quality; //The quality of the picture (0~100, 100 is the best, the default is about 75)
//Download method (select GD library image download)
public function download(){
// Get remote image information
$info = @getimagesize($this->source);
//Get the image extension
$mime = $info['mime'];
$type = substr(strrchr($mime, '/'), 1);
//Select different image generation and saving functions for different image types
case 'jpeg':
$img_create_func = 'imagecreatefromjpeg';
$img_save_func = 'imagejpeg';
$new_img_ext = 'jpg';
$image_quality = isset($this->quality) ? $this-> quality : 100;
case 'png':
$img_create_func = 'imagecreatefrompng';
$img_save_func = 'imagepng';
$new_img_ext = 'png';
case 'bmp':
$img_create_func = 'imagecreatefrombmp';
$img_save_func = 'imagebmp';
$new_img_ext = 'bmp';
case ' gif':
$img_create_func = 'imagecreatefromgif';
$img_save_func = 'imagegif';
$new_img_ext = 'gif';
case 'vnd.wap.wbmp':
$img_create_func = 'imagecreatefromwbmp';
$img_save_func = 'imagewbmp';
$new_img_ext = 'bmp';
case 'xbm':
$img_create_func = '
$img_save_func = 'imagexbm';
$new_img_ext = 'xbm';
$img_create_func = 'imagecreatefromjpeg';
$img_save_func = ' imagejpeg';
$new_img_ext = 'jpg';
//Synthesize the local file name according to whether the extension is set
if (isset($this->set_extension)){
$ext = strrchr($this->source,".");
$strlen = strlen($ext);
$newname = basename(substr($this->source,0,- $strlen)).'.'.$new_img_ext;
$newname = basename($this->source);
//Generate local file path
$save_address = $this->save_address.$newname;
$img = @$img_create_func($this->source);
if (isset($image_quality)){
$ save_img = @$img_save_func($img,$save_address,$image_quality);
$save_img = @$img_save_func($img,$save_address);
return $save_img;
The running results are as shown below:
The downloaded pictures are saved in the pic folder of the current directory in this example! // code is as follows: Copy the code as follows: ?php header("Content-type:text/html; charset= utf-8"); if (!empty($_POST['submit'])){ $url = $_POST['url']; //To get the relative path image...