TreeTable achieves infinite levels by merging rows and columns of cells and can better display the hierarchical structure.
1. Construct an array of ID/PID/NAME, and later use the dynamic data generated by the database. For Tree algorithm, please click
to copy the code The code is as follows:
* 1 => array('id '=>'1','parentid'=>0,'name'=>'First-level column one'),
* 2 => array('id'=>'2', 'parentid'=>0,'name'=>'First-level column two'),
* 3 => array('id'=>'3','parentid'=>1, 'name'=>'Second-level column one'),
* 4 => array('id'=>'4','parentid'=>1,'name'=>'Two Level column two'),
* 5 => array('id'=>'5','parentid'=>2,'name'=>'Second level column three'),
* 6 => array('id'=>'6','parentid'=>3,'name'=>'Third-level column one'),
* 7 => array( 'id'=>'7','parentid'=>3,'name'=>'Third-level column two')
* )
2. Import the TreeTable class Library.
Copy code The code is as follows:
import('@.ORG.Util.TableTree'); //Thinkphp import method
3. Generate TreeTable HTML code
Copy the code The code is as follows:
$treeTable- >init($treearr);
echo $treeTable->get_treetable();
Note: get_treetable() only produces the table body part,
Please build your own.
Full code
Copy code The code is as follows:
* File name: TreeTable.class.php
* Author: run.gao Date: 2012-07-24 23:22 GMT+8
* Description: Universal table with unlimited levels Category
* Table display of unlimited categories is to display wireless categories in the form of a table, which can better reflect the affiliation of the categories
* Usage method:
* 1. Instantiate the category
* $ treeTable = new TreeTable();
* 2. Initialize classification, $treearr must be a multi-dimensional array and contain id, parentid, name fields
* $treeTable->init($treearr);
* 3. Get unlimited classification HTML code
* echo $treeTable->get_treetable();
class TreeTable {
* 2-dimensional array required to generate tree structure
* @var array
public $arr = array();
* Number of table columns
* @var int
public $columns = 0;
* Number of table rows
* @var int
public $rows = 0;
* Initialize TreeTable data
* @param array 2-dimensional array
* array(
* 1 => array('id'=>'1','parentid'=>0 ,'name'=>'First-level column one'),
* 2 => array('id'=>'2','parentid'=>0,'name'=>' First-level column two'),
* 3 => array('id'=>'3','parentid'=>1,'name'=>'Second-level column one'),
* 4 => array('id'=>'4','parentid'=>1,'name'=>'Second-level column two'),
* 5 => array ('id'=>'5','parentid'=>2,'name'=>'Second-level column three'),
* 6 => array('id'=>' 6','parentid'=>3,'name'=>'Third-level column one'),
* 7 => array('id'=>'7','parentid'=> ;3,'name'=>'Third-level column two')
* )
public function init($arr=array()){
if(!is_array($arr)) return false;
foreach ($arr as $ k=>$v) {
$this->arr[$v['id']] = $v;
foreach ($this->arr as $k => ; $v){
$this->arr[$k]['column'] = $this->get_level($v['id']); // Y-axis position
$this ->arr[$k]['arrchildid'] = $this->get_arrchildid($v['id']); // All child nodes
$this->arr[$k][' arrparentid'] = $this->get_arrparentid($v['id']); // All parent nodes
$this->arr[$k]['child_bottom_num'] = $this->get_child_count ($v['id']); // All underlying element nodes
$this->columns = $this->get_columns(); // Total number of rows
$this-> ;rows = $this->get_rows(); //Total number of columns
// Sort by arrparentid and id number
foreach ($this-> ;arr as $k => $v){
$this->arr[$k]['row'] = $this->get_row_location($v['id']); // X Axis position
$this->arr[$k]['rowspan'] = $v['child_bottom_num']; // Number of row merges
$this->arr[$k]['colspan '] = $v['child_bottom_num'] == 0 ? $this->columns - $v['column'] + 1 : 0; //Number of combined columns
return $this-> ;get_tree_arr();
* Get array
public function get_tree_arr(){
return is_array($this->arr) ? $this->arr : false;
* Reorder the array by arrparentid/id number
public function sort_arr(){
// The field to be sorted
foreach ($this->arr as $k => $v){
$order_pid_arr[$k] = $v['arrparentid'];
$order_iscost[] = $v['sort'];
$order_id_arr[$k] = $v['id'];
// Sort by arrparentid first, then sort by id number
$order_pid_arr, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING,
$order_iscost , SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC,
$order_id_arr, SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC,
// Get each node level
for ($column = 1; $column < = $this->columns; $column++) {
$row_level = 0;
foreach ($this->arr as $key => $node){
if ($node[' column'] == $column){
$this->arr[$key]['column_level'] = $row_level;
//Recalculate using ID as key name
foreach ($this->arr as $k=>$v) {
$arr[$v['id']] = $v;
$this->arr = $arr;
* get parent array
* @param int
* @return array
public function get_parent($myid){
$newarr = array ();
if(!isset($this->arr[$myid])) return false;
$pid = $this->arr[$myid]['parentid'];
$pid = $this->arr[$pid]['parentid'];
foreach($this->arr as $id => $a){
if($a['parentid'] == $pid) $newarr[$id] = $a;
return $newarr;
* Get the child array
* @param int
* @return array
public function get_child($myid){
$a = $newarr = array();
if(is_array($this-> arr)){
foreach($this->arr as $id => $a){
if($a['parentid'] == $myid) $newarr[$id] = $ a;
return $newarr ? $newarr : false;
* Get the level of the current node
* @param $myid current node ID number
public function get_level($myid, $init = true){
static $level = 1;
if($init) $level = 1;
if ($this->arr[$myid]['parentid']) {
$this->get_level($this->arr[$myid]['parentid'], false);
return $level;
* Get the number of all underlying nodes (nodes without child nodes) of the current node
* @param $myid Node ID number
* @param $init Static variable will be loaded for the first time
public function get_child_count($myid, $init = true){
static $count = 0;
if($init) $count = 0;
if(!$this->get_child($myid) && $init) return 0;
if($childarr = $this->get_child($myid)){
foreach ($childarr as $v){
$this->get_child_count($v['id'], false);
return $count;
* Get the ID numbers of all child nodes of the node
* @param $catid node ID number
* @param $init The first load will statically initialize the situation
public function get_arrchildid($myid, $init = true) {
static $childid;
if($init) $childid = '';
if(!is_array($this->arr)) return false;
foreach($this->arr as $id => $a){
if($a['parentid'] == $myid) {
$childid = $childid ? $childid.','.$a['id'] : $a['id'];
$this->get_arrchildid($a['id'], false);
return $childid ;
* Get the ID numbers of all parent nodes of this node
* @param $id node ID number
public function get_arrparentid($id, $arrparentid = '') {
if(!is_array($this->arr)) return false;
$parentid = $this->arr[$id]['parentid'];
if($parentid > 0) $arrparentid = $arrparentid ? $parentid.','.$arrparentid : $parentid;
if($parentid) $arrparentid = $this->get_arrparentid($parentid, $arrparentid);
return $arrparentid;
* Get the row location of the node
* @param $myid node ID number
public function get_row_location($myid){
$nodearr = $this->arr;
// 获取每一个节点所在行的位置
foreach ($nodearr as $key => $node){
if($myid == $node['id']) {
$node_row_count = 0;
$arrparentid = explode(',', $node['arrparentid']);
// 所有父节点小于当前节点层次的底层节点等于0的元素
foreach ($arrparentid as $pid){
foreach ($nodearr as $node_row){
if($node_row['column'] == $nodearr[$pid]['column'] && $nodearr[$pid]['column_level'] > $node_row['column_level'] && $node_row['child_bottom_num'] == 0){
$node_row_count ++;
// 所有当前节点并且节点层次(rowid_level)小于当前节点层次的个数
foreach ($nodearr as $node_row){
if($node['column'] == $node_row['column'] && $node_row['column_level'] < $node['column_level']){
$node_row_count += $node_row['child_bottom_num'] ? $node_row['child_bottom_num'] : 1;
return $node_row_count;
* Get the number of rows in the table
public function get_rows(){
$row = 0;
foreach ($this->arr as $key => $node){
if($node['child_bottom_num'] == 0){
$rows++; // 总行数
return $rows;
* Get the number of columns in the table
public function get_columns(){
$columns = 0 ;
foreach ($this->arr as $key => $node){
if($node['column'] > $columns){
$columns = $node['column']; // 总列数
return $columns;
* Get the table display format of the category (excluding headers)
public function get_treetable(){
$table_string = '';
for($row = 1; $row <= $this->rows; $row++){
$table_string .= "rt
foreach ($this->arr as $v){
if($v['row'] == $row){
$rowspan = $v['rowspan'] ? "rowspan='{$v['rowspan']}'" : '';
$colspan = $v['colspan'] ? "colspan='{$v['colspan']}'" : '';
$table_string .= "rtt {$v['name']}
| ";
$table_string .= "rt
return $table_string;
?>通过对单元格的行合并和列合并实现了无限层级也能较好的展示层级架构。 1.构建ID/PID/NAME的数组,后期可通过数据库生成的动态数据...