Novices who are new to jpgraph will definitely encounter various problems, such as garbled characters. This case is produced by jpgraph3.0.7. After many experiments, I have solved the garbled problem
Copy code The code is as follows:
$datay=array(); //vertical coordinate data
$datax=array(); //Abscissa data
foreach ($usernums as $key => $value){
$datay[] = $value;
$datax[] = $userids[$key];
require_once ('jpgraph-3.0.7/jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
require_once ('jpgraph-3.0.7/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php');
// Create the graph . These two calls are always required
$graph = new Graph(800,600); //Image height and width
$graph->xaxis-> ;SetTickLabels($datax);
$graph ->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(20);
// Add a drop shadow
$ graph->SetShadow();
// Adjust the margin a bit to make more room for titles
// Create a bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// Adjust fill color
$bplot-> value->Show();
$ bplot->value->SetFormat('%d');
// Setup the titles
$graph->title-> Set(iconv(“UTF-8″, “gb2312″, “User consumption report graph”));
$graph->xaxis->title->Set(iconv(“UTF-8″, “ gb2312″,”User name”));
$graph->yaxis->title->Set(iconv(“UTF-8″, “gb2312″,”User order quantity”));
$graph- >title->SetFont(FF_SIMSUN,FS_BOLD);
// Display the graph

Official website Script House download address 38194.html // who are new to jpgraph will definitely encounter various problems, such as garbled characters. This case is jpgraph3 .0.7 production, and after many experiments by myself, I solved the problem of garbled code. The code is as follows...