class RunTime//Page execution time class
private $starttime;//Page start execution time
private $stoptime;//Page end execution time
private $spendtime;//Page execution time spent
function getmicrotime()/ /Get the floating point number that returns the current microseconds
list($usec,$sec)=explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float) $sec);
function start()//The page starts executing the function and returns the time when the page execution starts
$this->starttime=$this->getmicrotime() ;
function end()//Display the page execution time
$this-> spendtime=$this->stoptime-$this->starttime;
//return round($this->spendtime,10);
function display()
echo "
Running time:".round($this->spendtime,10)."seconds
/*Call method
$timer=new Runtime();