PHP date and time processing-Zheng Aqi (continued)_PHP tutorial
Jul 21, 2016 pm 03:26 PM
1. UNIX timestamp
When phpd processes data, especially when formatting time type data in the database, it is necessary to first convert the time type data into UNIX timestamp for processing. Different database systems are not compatible with the conversion of time type data
. In this case, the time needs to be converted into a UNIX timestamp. In this way, the cross-platform nature of different database systems is achieved.
2. Convert time to timestamp
If you want to convert the date and time expressed in strings into timestamp form, you can use the strtotime() function.
The syntax format is as follows:
int strtotime(string $time [, int $now])
For example:
echo strtotime('2009-03-05'); //Output 1236211200
echo strtotime('2009-03-05 10:24:30 '); //Output 1236248670
echo strtotime("10 September 2000"); //Output 968544000
int mktime([int $hour [, int $minute [, int $second [, int $month [, int $day [, int $year]]]]]])
string date(string $format [, int $timestamp ])
表4.6 date()函数支持的格式代码
字 符 |
说 明 |
返回值例子 |
d |
月份中的第几天,有前导零的2位数字 |
01~31 |
D |
星期中的第几天,用3个字母表示 |
Mon到Sun |
j |
月份中的第几天,没有前导零 |
1~31 |
l |
星期几,完整的文本格式 |
Sunday~Saturday |
N |
ISO-8601格式数字表示的星期中的第几天 |
1(星期一)~7(星期天) |
S |
每月天数后面的英文后缀,用2个字符表示 |
st、nd、rd或th,可以和j一起用 |
w |
星期中的第几天,数字表示 |
0(星期天)~6(星期六) |
z |
年份中的第几天 |
0~366 |
W |
ISO-8601格式年份中的第几周,每周从星期一开始 |
例如:42(当年的第42周) |
F |
月份,完整的文本格式,如January或March |
January~December |
m |
数字表示的月份,有前导零 |
01~12 |
M |
三个字母缩写表示的月份 |
Jan~Dec |
n |
数字表示的月份,没有前导零 |
1~12 |
t |
给定月份所应有的天数 |
28~31 |
L |
是否为闰年 |
如果是闰年为1,否则为0 |
o |
ISO-8601格式年份数字。这和Y的值相同,只是如果ISO的星期数(W)属于前一年或下一年,则用那一年 |
例如:1999或2003 |
Y |
4位数字完整表示的年份 |
例如:1999或2003 |
y |
2位数字表示的年份 |
例如:99或03 |
a |
小写的上午和下午值 |
am或pm |
A |
大写的上午和下午值 |
B |
Swatch Internet标准时 |
000~999 |
g |
小时,12小时格式,没有前导零 |
1~12 |
G |
小时,24小时格式,没有前导零 |
0~23 |
h |
小时,12小时格式,有前导零 |
01~12 |
H |
小时,24小时格式,有前导零 |
00~23 |
i |
有前导零的分钟数 |
00~59 |
s |
秒数,有前导零 |
00~59 |
e |
时区标志 |
例如:UTC,GMT,Atlantic/Azores |
I |
是否为夏令时 |
如果是夏令时为 1,否则为0 |
O |
与格林尼治时间相差的小时数 |
例如:+0200 |
P |
与格林尼治时间(GMT)的差别,小时和分钟之间用冒号分隔 |
例如:+02:00 |
T |
本机所在的时区 |
例如:EST,MDT |
Z |
时区偏移量的秒数。UTC 西边的时区偏移量总是负的,UTC 东边的时区偏移量总是正的 |
-43200~43200 |
c |
ISO 8601格式的日期 |
2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00 |
r |
RFC 822 格式的日期 |
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200 |
U |
从UNIX纪元开始至今的秒数 |
time()函数 |
array getdate([ int $timestamp ])
键 名 |
说 明 |
值 的 例 子 |
seconds |
秒的数字表示 |
0~59 |
minutes |
分钟的数字表示 |
0~59 |
hours |
小时的数字表示 |
0~23 |
mday |
月份中第几天的数字表示 |
1~31 |
wday |
星期中第几天的数字表示 |
0(表示星期天)~6(表示星期六) |
mon |
月份的数字表示 |
1~12 |
year |
4位数字表示的完整年份 |
例如:1999或2003 |
yday |
一年中第几天的数字表示 |
0~365 |
weekday |
星期几的完整文本表示 |
Sunday~Saturday |
month |
月份的完整文本表示 |
January~December |
0 |
自UNIX 纪元开始至今的秒数 |
系统相关,典型值从-2147483648~2147483647 |
1. Calculation of date and time
$ days=($newtime-$oldtime)/(24*3600); //Calculate the number of days difference between two times
echo $days; //Output 18
2. Check date
The checkdate() function can be used to check whether a date data is valid. The syntax format is as follows:
bool checkdate( int $month , int $day , int $year)
var_dump(checkdate(12,31,2000)); //Output bool( TRUE)
var_dump(checkdate(2,29,2001)); //Output bool(FALSE)
3. Set the time zone
The system default is Greenwich Mean Time, so the current time displayed may differ from local time. PHP provides the function date_default_timezone_set() that can modify the time zone.
The syntax format is as follows:
bool date_default_timezone_set (string $timezone_identifier)
The parameter $timezone_identifier is the time zone to be specified.
The available value in mainland China is Asia/Chongqing, Asia/Shanghai, Asia/Urumqi (in order Chongqing, Shanghai, Urumqi). PRC can be used in Beijing time.
4.5 Example - Generate Calendar
$year= @$_GET['year']; //Get the year in the address bar
$month=@$_GET['month']; //Get the month in the address bar
$year=date("Y"); //Initialized to this year's year
$month=date("n"); //Initialized to this month's year Month
$day=date("j"); //Get the number of days of the day
$wd_ar=array("日","一","二","三","四","五","Saturday"); //Week array
$wd=date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); //Calculate whether the first day of the month is a week Year
//Year link
$y_lnk1=$year<=1970?$year=1970:$year-1; //Previous year
$y_lnk2=$year>=2037?$year= 2037:$year+1; //Next year
//Month link
$m_lnk1=$month<=1?$month=1:$month-1; //Last month
$ m_lnk2=$month>=12?$month=12:$month+1; //Next month
echo "<table cellpadding=6 cellspacing=0 width=200 bgcolor=#eeeeee><tr align= center bgcolor=#cccccc>";
//Output the year, click the "<" link to jump to the previous year, click the ">" link to jump to the next year
echo "<td colspan =4><a href='EX4_15.php?year=$y_lnk1&month=$month'>
<</a>".$year."year<a href='EX4_15.php? year=$y_lnk2&month=$month'>></a></td>";
//Output the month, click the "<" link to jump to the previous month, click "> "Link to jump to next month
echo "<td colspan=3><a href='EX4_15.php?year=$year&month=$m_lnk1'>
<</a>" .$month."month<a href='EX4_15.php?year=$year&month=$m_lnk2'>></a></td> </tr>";
echo " <tr align=center>";
echo "<td>$wd_ar[$i]</td> ; "; //Output week array
echo "</tr>";
$tnum=$wd+date("t",mktime(0,0,0,$month, 1,$year)); //Calculate the day of the week plus the number of days in the month
$date=$i+1 -$wd; //Calculate the position of the day in the table
if($i%7==0) echo "<tr align=center>"; //The beginning of a line
echo "<td> ;";
if($date==$day&&$month==date("n")) //If it is the current day of the month, then The number of days is blackened
echo "<b>".$day."</b>";
echo $date; //Output the number of days
echo "< ;/td> ";
if($i%7==6) echo "</tr> "; //End of line
echo "</table>";

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