Copy code The code is as follows:
* Simple array definition and access
echo "Simple array definition and access
echo "######################## #################################
$address=array(5 );
$address[3]= "Quanzhou";
echo "I am now Live at $address[1]
echo "############################### #########################
* Array traversal
echo "Array traversal through for loop
echo "################### #####################################
for ($index=0;$indexprint("The $address[$index] of the ".$index."th area in the array is
") ;
echo "###################################### ##################
* Array initialization
echo "Initialize the array, get the number of the current month through the date function, and output the content of the relevant array subscript
echo "############## ##########################################
" ;
$arrMonth=array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October"," November","December");
date_default_timezone_set("utc"); //Set the default time zone
echo "The array structure is";
print_r ($arrMonth);
echo "The current month is ".$month.", its English is ".$arrMonth[$month-1]."
echo "## ################################################ ########
*Array initialization, and define keys, and then access the array through key values
echo "Initialize the array, define the keys, and then access the array through the keys
echo "###################### ##################################
$arrMonth=array ("Jan"=>"January","Feb"=>"February","Mar"=>"March","Apr"=>"April","May"=>"May" ,"Jun"=>"June","Jul"=>"July"
,"Aug"=>"August","Sept"=>"Septmber","Oct"=> "October","Nov"=>"November","Dec"=>"December"
echo "Access the array through the English abbreviation Aug".$arrMonth["Aug"]."
echo "##################################### ####################
echo "The following traverses the array through Foreach
" ;
echo "########################################### ###############
foreach ($arrMonth as $key=>$value){
echo " =>The key is $ key, the value is $value
echo "############################# ############################
* Define multi-dimensional array
echo "Define two-dimensional array
$arrArea=array("East China"=>array("Fujian", "Zhejiang"),"North China"=>array("Beijing","Tianjin"));
echo "East China=>".$arrArea["East China"][0]
?> // the code as follows: ?php /* * Simple array definition and access*/ echo "Simple array definition with access br"; echo "######################################### #################br...