The data table structure of the secondary classification is as follows:

Copy code The code is as follows:
The PHP code is as follows
@ Article classification includes second-level classification
@ param int $rootnum -- the number of first-level classifications
@ param int $childnum -- the number of second-level classifications
@ return value array
@ date 2011.2.24
function temp_articletreecate($rootnum,$childnum){
$rootnum = 10;
$childnum = 10;
$category = array();
$parent_sql = "SELECT cateid,catename FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX." articlecate WHERE parentid=0 AND depth=0 AND flag=1 ORDER BY orders ASC";
$parent_sql.=" LIMIT $rootnum";
$parent_cate = $GLOBALS['db'] ->getall($parent_sql);
foreach($parent_cate as $parent_key => $parent_value){
//The subclass array is named childcategory. Customize the name according to the situation
$category[] = array('cateid'=>$parent_value['cateid'],'catename'=>$parent_value['catename'],'childcategory'=>array());
//Read subclass
$child_sql = "SELECT cateid,catename FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."articlecate WHERE parentid=".$parent_value['cateid']." AND flag=1 ORDER BY orders ASC";
$child_sql.=" LIMIT $childnum";
$child_cate = $GLOBALS['db']->getall($child_sql );
foreach($child_cate as $child_key => $child_value){
$category[count($category)-1]['childcategory'][] = array('cateid'=>$ child_value['cateid'],'catename'=>$child_value['catename']);
return $category;
PHP page calls classification, such as index.php
$goodscatetree = array();
$goodscatetree = temp_goodstreecate(4,0); //Call classification function (including secondary classification) 4--means Only 4 first-level categories are displayed, 0--indicates an unlimited number of second-level categories
$tpl>assign("goodscatetree",$goodscatetree); //Execute the smarty engine
$tpl->display-> ;(index.tpl); //Output smarty template page
TPL template page output category, such as index.tpl page
{section name=p loop=$goodscatetree}
一First-level classification: {$goodscatetree[p].catename}
{section name=c loop=$goodscatetree[p].childcategory}
Second-level classification: {$goodscatetree[p].childcategory[c].catename }
{/section} // data table structure of the secondary classification is as follows: Copy the code as follows: The PHP code is as follows/** @ Article classification contains Second-level classification @ param int $rootnum -- Number of first-level classification @ param int $childnu...