PHP interview questions:
$a = '/a/b/c/d/e.php'; $b = '/a/b/12/34/c.php'; // Calculate the relative path of $b relative to $a should be ../../c/d
Answer to the php interview question:
Copy code The code is as follows:
function getRelative($a,$b) {
$arr = explode("/",$a);
$brr = explode( "/",$b);
$c = count($arr)-2;
$d = count($brr)-2;
//The reason for subtracting two is that one is not behind The file name,
//One is that the index of the array starts from 0, which is one less than the number of the first dimension in the array
$e = ($c>$d) ? $c: $d;
$str1 = $str2 = '';
for ($j=0;$j<=$e;$j++) {
$cur_a = isset($arr[$j] ) ? $arr[$j] : '';
$cur_b = isset($brr[$j]) ? $brr[$j] : '';
if ($cur_a == $cur_b) {
} else {
if ($j <= $c)
if ($j <= $d )
return $str2.substr($str1 ,1,strlen($str1));
} // interview question: $a = '/a/b/c/d/e.php'; $b = '/a/b/12/34/c.php'; //Calculate that the relative path of $b relative to $a should be ../../c/d Answers to PHP interview questions: Copy code The code is like...