The is_file() function checks whether the specified file name is a normal file.
is_file — Tells whether the filename is a regular file
bool is_file ( string $filename ) $file is a required parameter
Returns TRUE if the file exists and is a normal file .
Let’s look at a classic example of testing is_file
Copy the code The code is as follows:
var_dump(is_file('a_file.txt')) . "n";
var_dump(is_file('/usr/bin/')) . "n";
The above example will output:
Usage 2
Copy code The code is as follows :
function isfile($file){
return preg_match('/^[^.^:^?^-][^:^?]* .(?i)' . getexts() . '$/',$file);
//first character cannot be . : ? - subsequent characters can't be a : ?
//then a . character and must end with one of your extentions
//getexts() can be replaced with your extentions pattern
function getexts(){
//list acceptable file extensions here
return '(app|avi|doc|docx|exe|ico|mid|midi|mov|mp3|
mpg|mpeg|pdf|psd|qt|ra|ram|rm|rtf|txt|wav|word|xls )';
echo isfile('/Users/YourUserName/Sites/index.html');
Example 3
Copy code The code is as follows:
function deletefolder($path)
if ($handle =opendir($path))
while (false!==($file=readdir($handle)))
if ($file<>"." AND $ file<>"..")
if (is_file($path.'/'.$file))
@unlink($path.'/'.$file );
if (is_dir($path.'/'.$file))
@rmdir( $path.'/'.$file);
This function deletes all things, defined folders // function checks whether the specified file name is a normal file. is_file — Tells whether the filename is a regular file Usage bool is_file ( string $filename ) $file is a required parameter...