Recently I saw a clever method, the principle is
$var_a ='var_b';
$$var_a ='test';
then echo $var_b; is 'test'
so it can be handled like this
Copy code The code is as follows:
foreach(array('_COOKIE', '_POST', '_GET') as $ _request)
foreach($$_request as $_key => $_value)
$_key{0} != '_' && $$_key = addslashes($_value) ;
Like test.php?name=name_in&pwd=pwd_in
you can directly use $name, $pwd
to quote the client to send data.
Note: The variables sent by the customer are filtered here using addslashes(). // recently saw a clever method, the principle is $var_a ='var_b'; $$var_a ='test' ; Then echo $var_b; is 'test', so the copied code can be processed as follows: foreach(array('_COOKI...