I spent some time sorting this out, but there are still a few fields that are unclear. Friends who want to know, please tell me!
id channel ID
nid identification ID
typename model name
maintable main table
addtable additional table
addcon file publishing program
editcon file modification program
useraddcon front-end member publishing program
usermancon front-end member management program
usereditcon front-end member modification program
listfields list additional fields
issystem model properties (0: automatic model, -1: system model, 1: automatic model)
issend whether to support member submissions
arcsta default status of member submissions (-1: not reviewed, 0: reviewed (automatic Generate html), 1: Approved (only use dynamic documents))
usertype member group allowed to contribute (field value: individual or enterprise or " " (space means no restriction))
sendrank member level (0 : Visitor, 10: Registered member, 50: Intermediate member, 100: Advanced member)
isdefault column list option (1: Link to the default page, 0: Link to the first page of the list, -1: Use dynamic page)
needdes Whether to use abstract for submission
needpic Whether to use pictures for submission
titlename Use name for submission title
onlyone Whether submission is unique
dfcid Default column ID