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Summary of PHPMailer Chinese Instructions_PHP Tutorial

Release: 2016-07-21 15:41:32
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Starting with A:

$AltBody --Attribute
From: PHPMailer: $AltBody
File: class.phpmailer.php
Note: The setting of this attribute does not support HTML in the email body Alternate display

AddAddress -- method
from: PHPMailer::AddAddress(), file: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Add recipients. Parameter 1 is the recipient's email address, and parameter 2 is the recipient's title. For example, AddAddress("to@163.com","to name"), but parameter 2 is optional, and AddAddress(to@163.com) is also possible.
Function prototype: public function AddAddress($address, $name = '') {}

AddAttachment --Method
From: PHPMailer::AddAttachment()
File: class.phpmailer .php.
Instructions: Add attachments.
Parameters: path, name, encoding, type. Among them, the path is required, and the others are optional
Function prototype:
AddAttachment($path, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream'){ }

AddBCC --Method
From: PHPMailer ::AddBCC()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Add a blind copy. For the difference between CC and BCC, please see [The difference between BCC and CC in SMTP sending].
Parameter 1 is the address, parameter 2 is the name. Note that this method only supports SMTP under win32 and does not support the mail function
Function prototype: public function AddBCC($address, $name = ''){}

AddCC -- method
from :PHPMailer::AddCC()
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Add a CC. For the difference between CC and BCC, please see [The difference between BCC and CC in SMTP sending].
Parameter 1 is the address, parameter 2 is the name. Note that this method only supports SMTP under win32 and does not support the mail function
Function prototype: public function AddCC($address, $name = '') {}

AddCustomHeader --Method
From: PHPMailer::AddCustomHeader()
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Add a custom E-mail header.
The parameter is the header information
Function prototype: public function AddCustomHeader($custom_header){}

AddEmbeddedImage -- method
from: PHPMailer::AddEmbeddedImage()
File: class .phpmailer .php
Description: Add an embedded image
Parameters: path, return handle [, name, encoding, type]
Function prototype: public function AddEmbeddedImage($path, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream') {}
Tips: AddEmbeddedImage(PICTURE_PATH. "index_01.jpg ", "img_01 ", "index_01.jpg ");
Quote in html 🎜>Instructions: Add reply tags, such as "Reply-to"
Parameter 1 address, parameter 2 name
Function prototype: public function AddReplyTo($address, $name = '') {}

AddStringAttachment -Method
From: PHPMailer::AddStringAttachment()
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Adds a string or binary attachment (non-filesystem) to the list.?)
Parameters: string, filename [, encoding, type]
Function prototype: public function AddStringAttachment($string, $filename, $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/ octet-stream') {}

Authenticate --method
from: SMTP::Authenticate()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: To start SMTP authentication, it must be in Hello () is called after, if the authentication is successful, true is returned,
Parameter 1 username, parameter 2 password
Function prototype: public function Authenticate($username, $password) {} ​​

Starts with B

$Body --Attribute
From: PHPMailer: $Body
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Email content, HTML or Text format

Start with C

$CharSet --Attributes
From: PHPMailer: $CharSet
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Mail encoding, the default is iso-8859-1

$ConfirmReadingTo -- Attribute
From: PHPMailer: $ConfirmReadingTo file class.phpmailer .php
Description: Receipt?

$ContentType --property
From: PHPMailer: $ContentType
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: The type of document, the default is "text/plain"

$CRLF --Attribute
From: PHPMailer: $ContentType
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: SMTP reply end delimiter (SMTP reply line ending?)

class.phpmailer .php --Object
From: class.phpmailer .php
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: phpmailer Object

class.smtp.php --Object
From: class.smtp.php file: class.smtp.php
Description: SMTP function object

ClearAddresses --method
From: PHPMailer ::ClearAddresses()
file : class.phpmailer .php
Description: Clear the recipients and prepare for the next sending.The return type is void

ClearAllRecipients --Method
from: PHPMailer ::ClearAllRecipients()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Clear all recipients, including CC (copy Send) and BCC (Bcc)

ClearAttachments --Method
From: PHPMailer::ClearAttachments()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Clear attachments

ClearBCCs --Method
from: PHPMailer ::ClearBCCs() file class.phpmailer .php
Description: Clear BCC (Bcc)

ClearCustomHeaders --Method
from: PHPMailer ::ClearCustomHeaders()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Clear custom headers

ClearReplyTos -- method
from: PHPMailer ::ClearReplyTos()
file : class.phpmailer .php
Description: Clear reply person

Close --Method
From: SMTP::Close()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Close an SMTP connection

Connect -- method
from: SMTP::Connect()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Establish an SMTP connection Mailer.html

$ContentType -- attribute
from: PHPMailer: $ContentType
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: The type of document, the default is "text/plain"

D Beginning
$do_debug -- Attributes
from: SMTP: $do_debug
File: class.smtp.php
Description: SMTP debug output

Data - Method
from: SMTP: $Data()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Send a data command and message information to the server (sendsthemsg_datatotheserver)

Starting with E

$Encoding - -Attribute
from: PHPMailer: $Encoding
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set the encoding method of the email, optional: "8bit", "7bit", "binary", "base64" , and "quoted-printable".

$ErrorInfo -- Attributes
From: PHPMailer: $ErrorInfo
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Return the last message in SMTP Error message

Expand --Method
From: SMTP::Expand()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Returns all users in the mailing list. If successful, return the array, otherwise return false(Expandtakesthenameandaskstheservertolistallthepeoplewhoaremembersofthe_list_.Expandwillreturnbackandarrayoftheresultorfalseifanerroroccurs.)

F starts with:

$From --Attributes
From: PHPMailer::$From file class.phpmailer .php
Description: Sender's E-mail address
$FromName --Attribute
From: PHPMailer::$FromName
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Sender's name

Starts with H:

$Helo --Attributes
From: PHPMailer::$Helo
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Set SMTPHelo, the default is $ Hostname(SetstheSMTPHELOofthemessage(Defaultis$Hostname).)

$Host -- Attributes
From: PHPMailer::$Host
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set SMTP server, The format is: host name [port number], such as smtp1.example.com:25 and smtp2.example.com are both legal

$Hostname --Attributes
From: PHPMailer::$Hostname
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: The hostname set in Message-Id and andReceivedheaders is also used by $Helo. If empty, defaults to SERVER_NAME or 'localhost.localdomain"

Hello -- method
from: SMTP::Hello()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: to SMTP server sends HELO command

Help -- method
from: SMTP::Help()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: If there is a keyword, get the keyword Help information

I starts with:

IsError --Method
from: PHPMailer::IsError()
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Returns whether there is An error occurred

IsHTML -- method
from: PHPMailer ::IsHTML()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set whether the letter is in HTML format

IsMail --Method
From: PHPMailer ::IsMail()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set whether to use php's mail function to send mail

IsQmail --Method
From: PHPMailer::IsQmail()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set whether to use qmailMTA to send emails

From: PHPMailer:: IsSendmail()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Whether to use the $Sendmail program to send mails

From: PHPMailer::IsSMTP()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Whether to use SMTP to send emails

Starting with M:

$Mailer --Attributes
From: PHPMailer ::$Mailer
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: One of the sending methods, ("mail", "sendmail", or "smtp").

Mail -- method
from: SMTP::Mail()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Start processing from an email address in $from, return true or false.If it is true, start sending

N beginning:

Noop-- Method
from: SMTP::Noop()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Send a NOOP command to the SMTP server

P begins:
$Password --attributes
From: PHPMailer::$Password
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set SMTP password

$PluginDir --property
From: PHPMailer::$PluginDir
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Set the plug-in directory of phpmailer, only in smtpclass is not valid in the phpmailer directory

$Port -- attribute
From: PHPMailer ::$Port
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set the SMTP port number

$Priority --Attribute
From: PHPMailer::$Priority
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Set the email delivery priority. 1=Urgent, 3=Normal, 5=Not urgent

PHPMailer --Object
From: PHPMailer
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: PHPMailer -PHPemailtransportclass

Starting with Q

Quit --Method
From: SMTP::Quit()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Send the Quit command to the server, if no error occurs . Then close the sock, otherwise $close_on_error is true

Starting with R

Recipient -- method
from: SMTP::Recipient()
File: class.smtp.php
Instructions: Use To to send RCPT command to SMTP, the parameters are: $to

Reset -- method
from: SMTP::Reset()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Send the RSET command to cancel the transfer in progress. Returns true if successful, otherwise false

S starts with:

$Sender --property
from: PHPMailer::$Sender
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: SetstheSenderemail(Return-Path)ofthemessage.Ifnotempty,willbesentvia-ftosendmailoras'MAILFROM'insmtpmode.

$Sendmail --Attributes
From: PHPMailer::$Sendmail
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set the directory of the sending program

$SMTPAuth --property
From: PHPMailer::$SMTPAuth
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set Whether SMTP requires authentication, use the Username and Password variables

$SMTPDebug --property
from: PHPMailer::$SMTPDebug
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Set whether SMTP is debugged Output?

$SMTPKeepAlive --property
From: PHPMailer::$SMTPKeepAlive
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Do not close the connection after each sending. If true, the connection must be closed using SmtpClose()

$SMTP_PORT --Attributes
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Set SMTP port

$Subject --Attributes
From: PHPMailer ::$Subject
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Set the subject of the letter

Send --Method
From: SMTP::Send()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Start an email transmission from the specified email address

Send --Method
From: PHPMailer::Send()
File: class.phpmailer .php
Description: Create an email and develop a sending program. If the sending is unsuccessful, false will be returned. Please use ErrorInfo to view the error message

SendAndMail -- method
from: SMTP::SendAndMail()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Start an email transfer from the specified email address

SendOrMail --Method
From: SMTP::SendOrMail()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: From the specified Start an email transfer with the email address

SetLanguage --Method
From: PHPMailer::SetLanguage()
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Set the language type of phpmailer error message , if the language file cannot be loaded, false is returned, the default is english

SMTP --Method
from: SMTP::SMTP()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Initialize an object so that the data is in a known state

SMTP --Object
From: SMTP
File: class.smtp.php
Description: SMTP object

SmtpClose --Method
From: PHPMailer::SmtpClose()
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Close SMTP if there is one active.

Starts with T

$Timeout --Attributes
From: PHPMailer::$Timeout
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Set the timeout of the SMTP server ( Unit: seconds). Note: Under win32, this attribute is invalid

Turn -- method
from: SMTP::Turn()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: This is optional SMTP parameters, currently phpmailer does not support it, but may support

U starting with

$Username --attribute
from: PHPMailer::$Username
File: class. phpmailer .php
Description: Set SMTP username

Start with V

$Version --Attributes
from: PHPMailer::$Version
File: class.phpmailer. php
Description: Return the version of Phpmailer

Verify --method
From: SMTP::Verify()
File: class.smtp.php
Description: Check the user through the server Whether the name is verified

Starts with W:

$WordWrap --Attributes
From: PHPMailer::$WordWrap
File: class.phpmailer.php
Description: Settings The maximum number of characters per line, automatic line wrapping after exceeding the number

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/321190.htmlTechArticleA starts with: $AltBody --Attribute from: PHPMailer: $AltBody File: class.phpmailer .php Description: The The setting of the attribute is an alternative display of AddAddress --method that does not support HTML in the email body...
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