<?<BR>function baz($y $z) {<BR> $x = new Array();<BR> $x[sales] = 60;<BR> $x[profit] = 20:<br><br> foreach($x as $key = $value) {<BR> echo $key+" "+$value+"<BR>";<br> }<br>}
如果你发现函数参数列表中少了逗号、“new Array()”是不正确的、行末用了冒号而不是分号、foreach中没有用“=>”及用“+”来连接字符串,那恭喜你,你找到了所有的错误,你已经掌握了PHP编程的基础。
print "Hi my name is $a. I am $b";
echo "Hi my name is $a. I am $b";
echo "Hi my name is ".$a.". I am ".$b;
echo "Hi my name is ",$a,". I am ",$b;
echo 'Hi my name is ',$a,'. I am ',$b;
Difference: for($i=0;$i Good: $count=count($array);for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){...} This should be easy to explain, but many people just want to write one less line of code and waste system resources. If the count function is used in the loop declaration, it will be called once for each loop. If you have a lot of loops, it will waste a lot of time. 7. Never use register_globals and magic quotes These are two very old functions that may have been a good approach at the time (ten years ago), but it seems not to be the case now. Older versions of PHP will turn on these two functions by default when installed, which can cause security holes, programming errors and other problems. For example, variables will only be created when the user enters data. Both features are now deprecated and should be avoided by every programmer. If your past programs used these two features, eliminate them as soon as possible. 8. Be sure to initialize variables ("Initialization" here refers to "declaration" - translator's note) When an uninitialized variable is required, the PHP interpreter will automatically create a variable, but it is not a good idea to rely on this feature for programming. This can make the program crude or confusing because you need to figure out where the variable was created. Additionally, incrementing an uninitialized variable is slower than an initialized variable. So it would be a good idea to initialize variables. 9. Comment the code This question has been raised many times, but no amount of times is enough. I know some places won't hire programmers who don't comment their code. After a previous job interview, I went through the code I wrote with the vice president and interviewer. When they were impressed by the code comments I made, they also learned about this habit of mine. One day later, I got the job. I know some people who call themselves PHP masters claim that their code is well written and does not require any comments. In my opinion, these people are trash. It is worthwhile to learn the specifications and techniques for writing comments, and become familiar with comment assistance software such as phpDocumentor or Doxygen. 10. Follow a programming specification About this, you need to ask your potential boss during the interview, ask them what programming conventions they are using. PEAR? Zend? Internal regulations? Mention the programming convention you are using, whether it is one of your own creation or one that is currently popular. For a loose language like PHP, if there is no good programming specification, then the code will look like a bunch of garbage. Stinky, disgusting garbage. Some basic specifications include space specifications, bracket matching, naming style, etc. This is a must for anyone who pursues high-quality code. Someone said: "I hate your 4-space indentation." I want to say, what? Use 4 spaces for indentation? This takes up 3 characters more space than using tabs. More importantly, you can customize the tab indentation value as long as you use an editor more advanced than Notepad. So every programmer can look at the code in the way they're most comfortable with. Set to 4 when possible, or 0 if you're a masochist. I don't care anyway, but you just can't use spaces for indentation! In general, I hope the above programming habits can be helpful to you. If you want to make a good impression during an interview, all it takes is a few small details.