Program 1: Responsible for randomly extracting data from the dictionary and writing it to a new file. (1.php)
Copy code The code is as follows:
/* From the dictionary file Extract random values */
$file1 = "./Words.dic";
$file2 = "./common_pass_mini.dic";
$file3 = "./Sys_Month_Date.Dic";
$rfile = "./5.dic";
$n = 2000;
//Extract dictionary
$basef = file($file1);
$extf = file($file2);
$extf2 = file($file3);
$bf_sum = (count($basef)-1);
$ef_sum = (count($extf)-1);
$ef2_sum =(count($extf2)-1);
//Get a random username
for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
$bn = crand(0, $bf_sum);
$en = crand(0, $ef_sum);
$en2 = crand(0, $ef2_sum);
$name = $ basef[$bn]."_".$extf[$en];
$name = str_replace("/r/n", "", $name);
$all_name[] = $name;
//Write to file
$result = implode("/r/n", $all_name);
$fp = fopen($rfile, "a+") or die('Open $rfile failed');
if (fwrite($fp, $result)) {
echo 'Write user succeed!';
} else {
echo 'Write user failed ';
//Generate random number function
function crand($start, $end)
return mt_rand($start, $end);
Program 2: Responsible for merging the results of several files generated above. (2.php)
Copy code The code is as follows:
/* Combine all generated results*/
$result_file = "./result.dic";
$fp = fopen($result_file, "a+") or die("Open $result_file failed") ;
//Merge 1.dic ~ 5.dic
for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++)
$cur_file = file_get_contents($i .".dic");
fwrite($fp, $cur_file);
//Merge 10.dic ~ 11.dic
for ($i=10; $ i<=11; $i++)
$cur_file = file_get_contents($i.".dic");
fwrite($fp, $cur_file);
fclose( $fp);
echo 'Write Succeed';
Program 3: Responsible for filtering duplicate values and values that do not fall between 6~16 and generate Final result (3.php)
Copy code The code is as follows:
/* Generate final Result */
$file = "./result.dic";
$target = "./target.dic";
//Remove duplicate values
$files = file($file);
$files = array_unique($files);
//Judge whether the value is greater than 6 digits and less than 16 digits
$sum = count($files);
for ($i=0; $i<$sum; $i++)
if (strlen($files[$i])>=6 && strlen($files[$i]) <=16) {
$rs[] = $files[$i];
} else {
//Write Target file
$result = implode("", $rs);
$fp = fopen($target, "a+") or die("Open $target failed");
fwrite($fp , $result);
echo 'Write succeed';
Basically done manually, 2.7W random usernames are generated above, haha, it is guaranteed to be enough for you. // 1: Responsible for randomly extracting data from the dictionary and writing it to a new file. (1.php) Copy the code as follows: ?php /*Extract random values from the dictionary file*/ $file1="./Words.dic"; $f...