Phpbean has very few core files, which is very related to the design philosophy of phpbean (emphasis on performance and division of labor and cooperative development). The core of Phpbean only implements the basic MVC framework, does not provide any redundant code, and is very transparent to programmers.
The core files of Phpbean are described as follows (note that most core files can be used alone):
1. action.php The base class of action. Any other action must be a subclass of it. One function is implemented inside: processing of URL data.
2. Exception.php is the exception handling class, which directly inherits from Exception.
3. Registry.php is the register of phpbean. Regarding the registrar, you can refer to my translated article on using global variables in PHP
4. Router.php routing processing.
5. View.php tries to render the class.
6. DB/model.php and Db/mysql.php are mainly model layers. Currently only MYSQL encapsulation is provided. Basic CURD is implemented in the model. ORM such as multi-table joint query is not implemented (mainly due to performance considerations.) For DB layer encapsulation, if complex ORM implementation is required, it is recommended to use ZF's DB.
The optional library classes currently provided by PHPBEAN are:
1. FILE file library class. Provides file upload and download encapsulation classes.
2. Page paging class. JS and PHP pagination classes.
3. IMG image processing class. Currently only verification code programs are provided
4. Validate verification class. Supports use with zend Framework's verification class. For details, please refer to how to extend ZF - Validate extension
5. Lucene full-text search (coming soon). It provides a secondary development interface based on zend lucene. You may refer to the design of weblucene and nutch. Regarding Chinese word segmentation, you can refer to using zend Framework's lucene for full-text search - Chinese word segmentation
Phpbean is committed to the program It provides members with a highly flexible and transparent framework.