First of all, I would like to thank terry39 for his advice. I have nothing to do on New Year's Day, so I will simply implement the principles he said. The key to this program is that the design of the data table is very unique, without recursion, relying on a simple SQL statement You can list the menu and see how this data table is designed:
The database fields are roughly as follows:
--------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------
id Number
fid Number
fid Parent category number
name Category name
path Category path, with id as the node, consists of something like ,1,2,3,4, Such a string
--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
It can be assumed that the following Data
id fid name name path
------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1 0 0 Category 1 ,1,
2 Category 2 ,2,
3 1 Category 1-1 , ,1,3,
4 1 Category 1-2 ,1,4,
5 Category 2-1 ,2,5,
6 Category 1-2-1 , ,1,4,6,
- -------------------------------------------------- -
To be lazy this time, I only use one page. Fortunately, the code is not long and all the codes are encapsulated in classes (not necessary, but I also want to get familiar with OO, haha!). Let’s take a look at the page code:
Copy code
The code is as follows:
Page: menu.php
Author: Hui Boss
Function: Define database operations and generate menu list classes
****************************** ***********/
class menu{
//Create constructor, function: database connection and select the corresponding database
public function __construct(){
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuser = "root";
$dbpassword = "7529639"; > 🎜> mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpassword) or die("error!");
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'GBK'");
mysql_select_db($dbname) ;
//Execute SQL statement function
private function query($sql){
return mysql_query($sql); set array function
private function loop_query($result){
return mysql_fetch_array($result);
//List menu list function
public function menulist() {
$sql=" select * from list order by path";
if (substr_count($rows['path'],',')>2){
for($i=0;$i<(substr_count($rows['path'],',')-2 );$i++)
echo ' ; /Create a destructor, function: close the database connection
public function __destruct(){
return mysql_close();
$db=new menu();//Generate Example
$db->menulist();//Call method to generate menu

http: //
First of all, I would like to thank terry39 for his guidance. I have nothing to do on New Year’s Day, so I will simply implement the principles he said. , the key to this program is that the design of the data table is very unique, without recursion, according to...