A web interface for SQL administrator_PHP tutorial
Jul 21, 2016 pm 04:03 PM
* SQLAdmin v2.0 - An SQL Administration User Interface for the Web *
* Copyright (C) 1997-98 Alessandro Vernet <avernet@scdi.org> *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* Library General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *
* License along with this library; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, *
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
/* TODO:
* - Add sort order.
* - Add simple view.
* - Add some documentation.
* - Works only with mSQL.
* - 97-11-05 (avernet) Corrected a bug with quote.
* - 98-01-01 (avernet) Added a sortColumn parameter to
* administrationTable function.
* - 98-03-14 (avernet) Added function addTable to enable users to
* add (but not modify) en entry to the database.
* - 98-05-19 (avernet) Submitted to PX.
* - 98-10-11 (avernet) Now SQLAdmin works with PHP3. The PHP2 version
* will not be mainteained anymore.
* - 98-10-11 (avernet) SQLAdmin is now distributed under the LGPL
* instead of MPL.
function escapeforhtml ($string)
$result = $string;
//$result = ereg_replace (""", """, $result);
$result = ereg_replace ("<", "<", $result);
$result = ereg_replace (">", ">", $result);
return $result;
function displayTuple ($fieldsNumber, $fieldNames,
$fieldLengths, $values, $mode)
$result = "";
$result .= "<FORM METHOD="post"><TABLE BORDER><TR>" .
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$result .= "<TR><TD>" . $fieldNames [$fieldIndex] . "</TD><TD>";
if ($fieldLengths [$fieldIndex] <= 128)
$result .= "<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="" .
$fieldNames [$fieldIndex] . "" VALUE="" .
$values [$fieldIndex] . "" SIZE="64">";
$result .= "<TEXTAREA NAME="" .
$fieldNames [$fieldIndex] . """ .
" COLS="64" ROWS="10" WRAP="virtual">" .
escapeforhtml ($values [$fieldIndex]) . "</TEXTAREA>";
$result .= "<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="old-" .
$fieldNames [$fieldIndex] .
"" VALUE="" . escapeforhtml ($values [$fieldIndex]) . "">" .
$result .= "<TR><TD ALIGN="center" COLSPAN="2">";
if ($mode == "modify")
$result .= "<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="remove" VALUE="Remove">";
$result .= "<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="update" VALUE="Update">";
{ $result .= "<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="add" VALUE="Add">"; }
$result .= "</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>";
return $result;
function fieldFromType ($text, $type)
if ($type == "int" || $type == "uint" || $type == "real")
{ $result = $text; }
{ $result = "'" . AddSlashes ($text) . "'"; }
return $result;
function executeMsql ($database, $command)
/*echo "<TT>" . $command . "</TT><HR>";*/
msql ($database, $command);
function handleRemove ($database, $table, $fieldsNumber,
$fieldNames, $fieldLengths, $fieldTypes)
global $remove;
if ($remove != "")
$command = "DELETE FROM " . $table . " WHERE ";
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$fieldName = "old-" . $fieldNames [$fieldIndex];
global $$fieldName;
$command .= $fieldNames [$fieldIndex] . "=" .
fieldFromType ($$fieldName, $fieldTypes [$fieldIndex]);
if ($fieldIndex != $fieldsNumber - 1)
{ $command .= " AND "; }
executeMsql ($database, $command);
function handleUpdate ($database, $table, $fieldsNumber,
$fieldNames, $fieldLengths, $fieldTypes)
global $update;
if ($update != "")
$command = "UPDATE " . $table . " SET ";
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$fieldName = $fieldNames [$fieldIndex];
global $$fieldName;
$command .= $fieldName . "=" .
fieldFromType ($$fieldName, $fieldTypes [$fieldIndex]);
if ($fieldIndex != $fieldsNumber - 1)
{ $command .= ", "; }
$command .= " WHERE ";
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$fieldName = "old-" . $fieldNames [$fieldIndex];
global $$fieldName;
$command .= $fieldNames [$fieldIndex] . "=" .
fieldFromType ($$fieldName, $fieldTypes [$fieldIndex]);
if ($fieldIndex != $fieldsNumber - 1)
{ $command .= " AND "; }
executeMsql ($database, $command);
function handleAdd ($database, $table, $fieldsNumber,
$fieldNames, $fieldLengths, $fieldTypes)
global $add;
if ($add != "")
$command = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (";
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$command .= $fieldNames [$fieldIndex];
if ($fieldIndex != $fieldsNumber - 1)
{ $command .= ", "; }
$command .= ") VALUES (";
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$fieldName = $fieldNames [$fieldIndex];
global $$fieldName;
$command .= fieldFromType ($$fieldName, $fieldTypes [$fieldIndex]);
if ($fieldIndex != $fieldsNumber - 1)
{ $command .= ", "; }
$command .= ")";
executeMsql ($database, $command);
function displayRemoveUpdate ($database, $table, $sortColumn,
$fieldsNumber, $fieldNames, $fieldLengths)
$result = "";
if ($sortColumn != "")
{ $sortColumn = " ORDER BY " . $sortColumn; }
$msqlresult = msql ($database, "SELECT * FROM " . $table . $sortColumn);
$tuplesNumber = msql_numrows ($msqlresult);
$tupleIndex = 0;
while ($tupleIndex < $tuplesNumber)
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$values [$fieldIndex] = msql_result ($msqlresult, $tupleIndex,
$fieldNames [$fieldIndex]);
$result .= displayTuple ($fieldsNumber, $fieldNames,
$fieldLengths, $values, "modify");
return $result;
function displayAdd ($fieldsNumber, $fieldNames, $fieldLengths)
$result = "";
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$values [$fieldIndex] = "";
$result .= displayTuple ($fieldsNumber, $fieldNames,
$fieldLengths, $values, "add");
msql_close ();
return $result;
function administrationTable ($database, $table, $sortColumn)
$result = "";
msql_connect ( "localhost");
$msqlresult = msql ($database, "SELECT * FROM " . $table);
$fieldsNumber = msql_numfields ($msqlresult);
$msqlresult = msql_listfields ($database, $table);
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$fieldNames [$fieldIndex] = msql_fieldname ($msqlresult, $fieldIndex);
$fieldLengths [$fieldIndex] = msql_fieldlen ($msqlresult, $fieldIndex);
$fieldTypes [$fieldIndex] = msql_fieldtype ($msqlresult, $fieldIndex);
handleRemove ($database, $table, $fieldsNumber, $fieldNames, $fieldLengths, $fieldTypes);
handleUpdate ($database, $table, $fieldsNumber, $fieldNames, $fieldLengths, $fieldTypes);
handleAdd ($database, $table, $fieldsNumber, $fieldNames, $fieldLengths, $fieldTypes);
$result .= displayRemoveUpdate ($database, $table, $sortColumn, $fieldsNumber, $fieldNames,
$result .= displayAdd ($fieldsNumber, $fieldNames, $fieldLengths);
return $result;
function addTable ($database, $table)
$result = "";
msql_connect ( "localhost");
$msqlresult = msql ($database, "SELECT * FROM " . $table);
$fieldsNumber = msql_numfields ($msqlresult);
$msqlresult = msql_listfields ($database, $table);
$fieldIndex = 0;
while ($fieldIndex < $fieldsNumber)
$fieldNames [$fieldIndex] = msql_fieldname ($msqlresult, $fieldIndex);
$fieldLengths [$fieldIndex] = msql_fieldlen ($msqlresult, $fieldIndex);
$fieldTypes [$fieldIndex] = msql_fieldtype ($msqlresult, $fieldIndex);
handleAdd ($database, $table, $fieldsNumber, $fieldNames, $fieldLengths, $fieldTypes);
$result .= displayAdd ($fieldsNumber, $fieldNames, $fieldLengths);
return $result;

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