Data table structure used by this level of program:
# ---------------------------------------- ------------------
# Structure of data table 'author'
author_id int(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
first_name varchar(20) binary NOT NULL,
last_name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
address varchar(100) binary NOT NULL,
zipcode varchar(10) NOT NULL,
telephone varchar(10) NOT NULL,
email varchar(50) NOT NULL,
comment varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (author_id ),
KEY first_name (first_name),
KEY last_name (last_name),
KEY address (address),
KEY zipcode (zipcode),
KEY email (email)
) ;
# --------------------------------------------- ----------------
# Structure of data table 'books'
books_id int(6 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
books_name varchar(100) binary NOT NULL,
publisher_id varchar(6) NOT NULL,
date_pub datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
pages varchar(4) NOT NULL,
price float(6,2) DEFAULT '0.00' NOT NULL,
comment varchar(255) binary NOT NULL,
ISBN varchar(25) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (books_id),
KEY name (books_name),
KEY publisher (publisher_id),
KEY date_pub (date_pub) ,
KEY price (price),
KEY pages (pages),
KEY type (type),
# ----- -------------------------------------------------- -
# Structure of data table 'books_author'
CREATE TABLE books_author (
id int(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
books_id varchar(6) NOT NULL,
author_id varchar(6) NOT NULL,
author_type varchar(6) NOT NULL,
# - -------------------------------------------------- -----
# Structure of data table 'publisher'
CREATE TABLE publisher (
publisher_id int(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
publisher_name varchar(100) binary NOT NULL,
address varchar(100) NOT NULL,
zipcode varchar(10) NOT NULL,
telephone varchar(10) NOT NULL,
telefax varchar (10) NOT NULL,
email varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (publisher_id),
KEY name (publisher_name),
KEY address (address),
KEY email ( email)