File 2: error.tml
The domain name you are querying [>DOMAIN<].[>EXT<] produced the following error:
Query rules:
< UL>
First, you need to enter the domain name and domain name suffix you want to query.
Do not add "www." before the domain name. "www." is the host name, not the domain name. Legitimate characters are 0-9, a-z and "-". Underline (_) and spaces are not allowed.
PleaseClick hereReturn to the homepage and search again< ;/b>
Error list and description:
< ;li>The domain name is too long or too short The entered domain name cannot be too long or too short. The domain name input requires 2-57 characters. - Letters cannot be included in 2-byte domain names This error means that when you select a 2-byte domain name, you can only use numbers, not letters.< li>- cannot be used before or after the domain name, nor can it be used continuously -A domain name can contain -, but it cannot be used before or after the domain name, nor can two - be used consecutively (for example :--)
- The domain name can only contain alphanumeric combinations and - The domain name can only use numbers, letter combinations and -, and cannot use spaces, underlines, etc. Characters.
- Unable to connect to the domain name query server If you receive this message, it means that the domain name query server is busy or temporarily unavailable. Please try to connect again later.
- No domain name suffix selected means you did not select a domain name suffix, such as: 'com', 'net', etc.
- This domain name suffix is not supported means that this program does not support this domain name suffix query, or this domain name suffix
does not exist.
File 3: exts_list.tml
The following are some of this program List of supported top-level domains.
To query the domain name, pleaseClick here
File 4: gfooter.tml
This domain name query system is collected and compiled by mydowns, and the Chinese version is owned by the time website (
File 5: gheader.tml
Domain name query program
File 6: global.tml
Welcome to use the detailed domain name query program, which is compiled by mydowns in Chinese.
Just simply enter the letters.
Please be careful not to enter any punctuation marks.
This may take a few minutes.
单击这里返回域名查询首页文件二:error.tml b你查询的域名 [DOMAIN].[EXT] 产生了如下的错误:/bbr B[ERROR_MSG]/Bbr clear=all br clear=all b查询规则:/b UL LIb首先你要输入查询的域名...