// I am not familiar with XML, and the description of XML may be wrong in the annotation
// This is just an idea. To be implemented, it should be slightly modified. Some data that are not commonly queried using XML can be used. Save
// For example, user information in a virtual community will generally be displayed only if the user himself or another user specifies his USERNAME
// The rest requires opening, querying, interpreting data sets, and closing the database every time consumption.
class DATA_XML //Key! ! ! A custom class
var $parser; //XML interpreter
var $tags; //XML tags
var $on; //
var $root; // root Element
var $Data = array(); // Element array
function DATA_XML($filename,$root) //Class initial function filename file name, root root element
$this->root = $root; //Initial root element
$this->parser = xml_parser_create();//Create interpretation object
xml_set_object(&$this->parser,&$this );//Set object
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser,"tag_on","tag_off");//Set element management function
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser,"getdata"); //Set data management events
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); //Requires strict case sensitivity
if( file_exists($filename) ) //File found?
$fp = fopen($filename,"r"); //Open for read only
$c = fread($fp,filesize($filename)); //Read data
$this->parse($c); //Set the interpretation object
echo "ooooo "; //! ? ! It seems to be used for debugging, just remove the else
function parse($data)//Explanation function
xml_parse ($this->parser,$data);
function tag_on($parser,$tag,$attributes)//Discover element trigger function
$this- >on = true; // Already triggered
$this->tags = $tag;
//echo $tag;
function tag_off($parser,$ tag) //Element binding function
$this->on = false; // Element binding
function getdata($parser,$cdata) // Take out the element
if($this->on && $this->tags!=$this->root)
{//It is better to verify, (whether it is an element now starting, and not the root element? )
! Use tags to make an array table and add data to the array elements
//echo trim($cdata);
//echo $this->tags;
//echo "n";
function check($str)
{//Check character
if( strlen($str)<1)//If it is a null character
return ' ' ;//Return ' '
return $str;//Otherwise return to the original path (otherwise the XML will not seem to have an end tag)
function saveas($filename)//Save as For
$c=''.enter; ",chr(13).chr(10));
for( reset($this->Data);$i=key($this->Data);next($this->Data))
{//Start to list all the data
$c.= "<".$i.">".$this->check($this->Data[$i])."".$i."> ;".enter;
// Use the array table name as the element label and add the data content
//echo $c;
$c.="".$ this->root.">".enter;//End tag
$fp = fopen( $filename , "w" );//Write file
/*New key an XML file
DATA_XML(path."arm.xml","DATA"/*root element*/);
$xml->Data["UserName"]="Guan Yu";
$xml->Data[ "Nick"]="Guan Yunchang";
unset( $xml );
// Read a file
$ xml = new DATA_XML(path."arm.xml","DATA");
echo $xml->Data["Nick"];//Show it?
$xml->Data["Nick"]="Master Guan";//UPDATE
$xml->Data["Master"]="Liu Bei";//INSERT INTO
$ xml->saveas(path."arm.xml");//Save as overwrite itself