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Sharing code examples of Python simulating logging into Taobao and counting Taobao consumption

Release: 2016-07-22 08:56:25
1976 people have browsed it

The numbers on Alipay’s ten-year bill are a bit scary, but it counts too many items. I just wanted to see how much I spent on Taobao, so I wrote a script to count the consumption of Taobao orders in any period of time. Judging from the results, I am actually quite frugal on Taobao.
The main job of the script is to simulate browser login and parse the "Purchased Baby" page to obtain the specified order and baby information.

201674184737787.gif (410×235)

For usage, see the code or execute the command with parameter -h. In addition, BeautifulSoup4 support is required. BeautifulSoup’s official project list page: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/download/

First let’s talk about how to use the code:

python taobao.py -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -s START-DATE -e END-DATE --verbose
Copy after login

All parameters are optional, such as:

python taobao.py -u jinnlynn 
Copy after login

Statistics on all orders of user jinnlynn

python taobao.py -s 2014-12-12 -e 2014-12-12
Copy after login

Statistics on the order status of users (the user name will be required to be entered when the command is executed) on 2014-12-12

python taobao.py --verbose
Copy after login

In this way, order details can be counted and output.

Okay, having said so much, let’s take a look at the code:

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import, division
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
import cookielib
import re
import sys
import os
import json
import subprocess
import argparse
import platform
from getpass import getpass
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pprint

  from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
except ImportError:
  sys.exit('BeautifulSoup4 missing.')

__version__ = '1.0.0'
__author__ = 'JinnLynn'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2014 JinnLynn'
__license__ = 'The MIT License'

  'x-requestted-with' : 'XMLHttpRequest',
  'Accept-Language' : 'zh-cn',
  'Accept-Encoding' : 'gzip, deflate',
  'ContentType' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; chartset=UTF-8',
  'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache',
  'User-Agent' :'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.38 Safari/537.36',
  'Connection' : 'Keep-Alive'

  'TPL_username' : '', #用户名
  'TPL_password' : '', #密码
  'TPL_checkcode' : '',
  'need_check_code' : 'false',
  'callback' : '0', # 有值返回JSON

# 无效订单状态
  'TRADE_CLOSED', # 订单关闭

LOGIN_URL = 'https://login.taobao.com/member/login.jhtml'

RAW_IMPUT_ENCODING = 'gbk' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else 'utf-8'

def _request(url, data, method='POST'):
  if data:
    data = urllib.urlencode(data)
  if method == 'GET':
    if data:
      url = '{}?{}'.format(url, data)
    data = None
  # print(url)
  # print(data)
  req = urllib2.Request(url, data, HEADERS)
  return urllib2.urlopen(req)

def stdout_cr(msg=''):
  sys.stdout.write('\r{:10}'.format(' '))

def get(url, data=None):
  return _request(url, data, method='GET')

def post(url, data=None):
  return _request(url, data, method='POST')

def login_post(data):
  login_data = DEFAULT_POST_DATA
  res = post(LOGIN_URL, login_data)
  return json.load(res, encoding='gbk')

def login(usr, pwd):
  data = {
    'TPL_username' : usr.encode('utf-8' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else 'GB18030'),
    'TPL_password' : pwd

  # 1. 尝试登录
  ret = login_post(data)
  while not ret.get('state', False):
    code = ret.get('data', {}).get('code', 0)
    if code == 3425 or code == 1000:
      print('INFO: {}'.format(ret.get('message')))
      check_code = checkcode(ret.get('data', {}).get('ccurl'))
      data.update({'TPL_checkcode' : check_code, 'need_check_code' : 'true'})
      ret = login_post(data)
      sys.exit('ERROR. code: {}, message:{}'.format(code, ret.get('message', '')))

  token = ret.get('data', {}).get('token')
  print('LOGIN SUCCESS. token: {}'.format(token))

  # 2. 重定向
  # 2.1 st值
  res = get('https://passport.alipay.com/mini_apply_st.js', {
    'site' : '0',
    'token' : token,
    'callback' : 'stCallback4'})
  content = res.read()
  st = re.search(r'"st":"(\S*)"( |})', content).group(1)
  # 2.1 重定向
    {'st' : st, 'TPL_uesrname' : usr.encode('GB18030')})

def checkcode(url):
  filename, _ = urllib.urlretrieve(url)
  if not filename.endswith('.jpg'):
    old_fn = filename
    filename = '{}.jpg'.format(filename)
    os.rename(old_fn, filename)
  if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
    # mac 下直接preview打开
    subprocess.call(['open', filename])
  elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
    # windows 执行文件用默认程序打开
    subprocess.call(filename, shell=True)
    # 其它系统 输出文件名
    print('打开该文件获取验证码: {}'.format(filename))
  return raw_input('输入验证码: '.encode(RAW_IMPUT_ENCODING))

def parse_bought_list(start_date=None, end_date=None):
  url = 'http://buyer.trade.taobao.com/trade/itemlist/list_bought_items.htm'
  #         运费险      增值服务     分段支付(定金,尾款)
  extra_service = ['freight-info', 'service-info', 'stage-item']

  stdout_cr('working... {:.0%}'.format(0))
  # 1. 解析第一页
  res = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  soup = BeautifulSoup(res.read().decode('gbk'))
  # 2. 获取页数相关
  page_jump = soup.find('span', id='J_JumpTo')
  jump_url = page_jump.attrs['data-url']
  url_parts = urlparse.urlparse(jump_url)
  query_data = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(url_parts.query))
  total_pages = int(query_data['tPage'])

  # 解析
  orders = []
  cur_page = 1
  out_date = False
  errors = []
  while True:
    bought_items = soup.find_all('tbody', attrs={'data-orderid' : True})
    # pprint(len(bought_items))
    count = 0
    for item in bought_items:
      count += 1
      # pprint('{}.{}'.format(cur_page, count))
        info = {}
        # 订单在页面上的位置 页数.排序号
        info['pos'] = '{}.{}'.format(cur_page, count)
        info['orderid'] = item.attrs['data-orderid']
        info['status'] = item.attrs['data-status']
        # 店铺
        node = item.select('tr.order-hd a.shopname')
        if not node:
          # 店铺不存在,可能是赠送彩票订单,忽略
          # print('ignore')
        info['shop_name'] = node[0].attrs['title'].strip()
        info['shop_url'] = node[0].attrs['href']
        # 日期
        node = item.select('tr.order-hd span.dealtime')[0]
        info['date'] = datetime.strptime(node.attrs['title'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

        if end_date and info['date'].toordinal() > end_date.toordinal():

        if start_date and info['date'].toordinal() < start_date.toordinal():
          out_date = True

        # 宝贝
        baobei = []
        node = item.find_all('tr', class_='order-bd')
        # pprint(len(node))
        for n in node:
            bb = {}
            if [True for ex in extra_service if ex in n.attrs['class']]:
              # 额外服务处理
              # print('额外服务处理')
              name_node = n.find('td', class_='baobei')
              # 宝贝地址
              bb['name'] = name_node.text.strip()
              bb['url'] = ''
              bb['spec'] = ''
              # 宝贝快照
              bb['snapshot'] = ''
              # 宝贝价格
              bb['price'] = 0.0
              # 宝贝数量
              bb['quantity'] = 1
              bb['is_goods'] = False
                bb['url'] = name_node.find('a').attrs['href']
                bb['price'] = float(n.find('td', class_='price').text)
              name_node = n.select('p.baobei-name a')
              # 宝贝地址
              bb['name'] = name_node[0].text.strip()
              bb['url'] = name_node[0].attrs['href']
              # 宝贝快照
              bb['snapshot'] = ''
              if len(name_node) > 1:
                bb['snapshot'] = name_node[1].attrs['href']
              # 宝贝规格
              bb['spec'] = n.select('.spec')[0].text.strip()
              # 宝贝价格
              bb['price'] = float(n.find('td', class_='price').attrs['title'])
              # 宝贝数量
              bb['quantity'] = int(n.find('td', class_='quantity').attrs['title'])
              bb['is_goods'] = True
            # 尝试获取实付款
            # 实付款所在的节点可能跨越多个tr的td
            amount_node = n.select('td.amount em.real-price')
            if amount_node:
              info['amount'] = float(amount_node[0].text)
          except Exception as e:
              'type' : 'baobei',
              'id' : '{}.{}'.format(cur_page, count),
              'node' : '{}'.format(n),
              'error' : '{}'.format(e)
      except Exception as e:
          'type' : 'order',
          'id' : '{}.{}'.format(cur_page, count),
          'node' : '{}'.format(item),
          'error' : '{}'.format(e)

      info['baobei'] = baobei

    stdout_cr('working... {:.0%}'.format(cur_page / total_pages))

    # 下一页
    cur_page += 1
    if cur_page > total_pages or out_date:
    query_data.update({'pageNum' : cur_page})
    page_url = '{}&#63;{}'.format(url, urllib.urlencode(query_data))
    res = urllib2.urlopen(page_url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(res.read().decode('gbk'))

  if errors:
    print('INFO. 有错误发生,统计结果可能不准确。')
    # pprint(errors)
  return orders

def output(orders, start_date, end_date):
  amount = 0.0
  org_amount = 0
  baobei_count = 0
  order_count = 0
  invaild_order_count = 0
  for order in orders:
    if order['status'] in INVALID_ORDER_STATES:
      invaild_order_count += 1
    amount += order['amount']
    order_count += 1
    for baobei in order.get('baobei', []):
      if not baobei['is_goods']:
      org_amount += baobei['price'] * baobei['quantity']
      baobei_count += baobei['quantity']

  print('{:<9} {}'.format('累计消费:', amount))
  print('{:<9} {}/{}'.format('订单/宝贝:', order_count, baobei_count))
  if invaild_order_count:
    print('{:<9} {} (退货或取消等, 不在上述订单之内)'.format('无效订单:', invaild_order_count))
  print('{:<7} {}'.format('宝贝原始总价:', org_amount))
  print('{:<7} {:.2f}'.format('宝贝平均单价:', 0 if baobei_count == 0 else org_amount / baobei_count))
  print('{:<9} {} ({:.2%})'.format('节约了(&#63;):',
                   org_amount - amount,
                   0 if org_amount == 0 else (org_amount - amount) / org_amount))
  from_date = start_date if start_date else orders[-1]['date']
  to_date = end_date if end_date else datetime.now()
  print('{:<9} {:%Y-%m-%d} - {:%Y-%m-%d}'.format('统计区间:', from_date, to_date))
  if not start_date:
    print('{:<9} {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}'.format('败家始于:', orders[-1]['date']))

def ouput_orders(orders):
  if not orders:
    print(' --')
  for order in orders:
    print(' {:-^20}'.format('-'))
    print(' * 订单号: {orderid} 实付款: {amount} 店铺: {shop_name} 时间: {date:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}'.format(**order))
    for bb in order['baobei']:
      if not bb['is_goods']:
      print('  - {name}'.format(**bb))
      if bb['spec']:
        print('   {spec}'.format(**bb))
      print('   {price} X {quantity}'.format(**bb))

def main():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    prog='python {}'.format(__file__)
  parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', help='淘宝用户名')
  parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', help='淘宝密码')
  parser.add_argument('-s', '--start', help='起始时间,可选, 格式如: 2014-11-11')
  parser.add_argument('-e', '--end', help='结束时间,可选, 格式如: 2014-11-11')
  parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='订单详细输出')
  parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version',
            version='v{}'.format(__version__), help='版本号')
  args = parser.parse_args()

  usr = args.username
  if not usr:
    usr = raw_input('输入淘宝用户名: '.encode(RAW_IMPUT_ENCODING))
  usr = usr.decode('utf-8') # 中文输入问题
  pwd = args.password
  if not pwd:
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
      # Windows下中文输出有问题
      pwd = getpass()
      pwd = getpass('输入淘宝密码: '.encode('utf-8'))

  pwd = pwd.decode('utf-8')

  verbose = args.verbose

  start_date = None
  if args.start:
      start_date = datetime.strptime(args.start, '%Y-%m-%d')
    except Exception as e:
      sys.exit('ERROR. {}'.format(e))

  end_date = None
  if args.end:
      end_date = datetime.strptime(args.end, '%Y-%m-%d')
    except Exception as e:
      sys.exit('ERROR. {}'.format(e))

  if start_date and end_date and start_date > end_date:
    sys.exit('ERROR, 结束日期必须晚于或等于开始日期')

  cj_file = './{}.tmp'.format(usr)
  cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
  opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj), urllib2.HTTPHandler)

  login(usr, pwd)


  orders = parse_bought_list(start_date, end_date)
  output(orders, start_date, end_date)

  # 输出订单明细
  if verbose:

if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy after login

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