This article analyzes object-oriented private static variables in JavaScript with examples. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
As we all know, the principle of private instance variables is based on scope.
Private instance variables are implemented using the var keyword inside a Javascript function and are only valid inside the function.
Imitate this and propose a solution of private static variables:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var JSClass = (function() { var privateStaticVariable = "私有静态变量"; var privateStaticMethod = function() { alert("调用私有静态方法"); }; return function() { this.test1 = function() { return privateStaticVariable; } this.test2 = function(obj) { privateStaticVariable = obj; } this.test3 = function() { privateStaticMethod(); } }; })(); var testObject1 = new JSClass(); var testObject2 = new JSClass(); alert(testObject1.test1()); testObject1.test2("改变的私有静态变量"); alert(testObject2.test1()); testObject2.test3(); </script>
Note that instead of defining the Javascript class directly, an anonymous function is used as a container for static variables and returns the Javascript class .
Readers who are interested in more content related to object-oriented JavaScript can check out the special topic of this website : "Javascript Object-oriented Introductory Tutorial"
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in JavaScript programming.