...Uh~ Just add a caching mechanism and it will be perfect! I don’t know if the performance of writing this way will be higher than those of template engines that are all regular?
[PHP] code
- $a = array(
- 'a','b','c'
- );
- require 'template/demo.php';//Reference template
- ?>
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[PHP] code
- Template file:
- Template test
- =$a[1]?>
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[PHP] code
- Key value: =$value?>
- //Iteration of array
- //smarty:
- {foreach item=na from=$a key=key}
- Key value: {$key}
- {/foreach}
- //For PHP programmers Which one is easier to understand?
- //smarty also uses regular expressions to parse templates. PHP’s regular expressions are not that efficient...
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