What is a 404 page
If there happens to be a problem with the website, or when the user tries to access a page that does not exist, the server will return an error message with code 404, and the corresponding page will be a 404 page . The default content of the 404 page is related to the specific server. If the NGINX server is used in the background, then the content of the 404 page is: 404 Not Foundnginx/0.8.6
Why do you need to customize the 404 page
When you visit the 404 error page above, I think 99% (unsurveyed, estimated data) of users will close the page, and users will be lost quietly. If there is a beautiful page at this time that can guide users to where they want to go, they will definitely be able to retain users. Therefore, every website should customize its own 404 page.
How to customize the 404 page under NGINX
There are already a lot of articles introducing the experience of customizing the 404 page under IIS and APACHE. There are currently relatively few NGINX. It happens that several of my servers are NGINX. In order to solve the problem I have conducted in-depth research on this issue. The research results show that it is feasible to configure a customized 404 page under NGINX, and it is very simple. You only need the following steps:
1.Create your own 404.html page
2.Change nginx.conf in Add the http definition area:
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
3.Change nginx.conf and add it in the server area:
error_page 404 = /404.html
4.Test the correctness of nginx.conf:
/ opt/nginx/sbin/nginx –t
If correct, the following information should be displayed:
the configuration file /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok kill -HUP `cat /opt/nginx/nginx.pid `configuration file /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful Configuration file example:
#65 configuration information
Notes: 1. Must add: fastcgi_intercept_errors on; If this option is not set, even if 404.html is created and error_page is configured, it will have no effect. fastcgi_intercept_errors Syntax: fastcgi_intercept_errors on|off Default: fastcgi_intercept_errors off Add location: http, server, location By default, nginx does not support custom 404 error pages. Only when this directive is set to on, nginx supports redirecting 404 errors. What needs to be noted here is that it does not mean that if fastcgi_intercept_errors on is set, nginx will redirect the 404 error. The prerequisite for 404 error redirection to take effect in nginx is to set fastcgi_intercept_errors on, and correctly set the error_page option (including grammar and corresponding 404 page)2. Do not specify the homepage as to save trouble or increase the weight of the homepage. 404 error page, and do not use other methods to jump to the home page.
3. The custom 404 page must be larger than 512 bytes, otherwise the IE default 404 page may appear. For example, assume that 404.html is customized and the size is only 11 bytes (the content is: 404 error). Use the following two non-existent addresses to access:
Ask a question, where is the created 404 page? I haven’t tried it yet @5169.info
error_page 404 = /404.html;You can place it anywhere, just make sure to change this line of configuration @5169.info error_page 404 = /404.html; In other words, each sub-site should copy a 404 file. Can this be done like this error_page 404 = ../404.html; Just make one set of 404 and put it under htdocs
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