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Single-file version of online code editor aceditor

Release: 2016-07-25 08:47:33
2172 people have browsed it
* Single-file online code editor editor.php version: v1.21
* It is very convenient to edit any text file on your website online. It is very useful for maintaining the website and writing code online
* Password encryption method:
* md5 (self-set password + $ace) //$ace is the cdn mirror address
* Instructions for use:
* 1. Confirm that the $pwd variable value is false, upload this file to the PHP space and access it
* 2. First You are prompted to set a password for each visit, set the password and remember it
* 3. After logging in with the password you set for the first time, this php file will be edited by default,
* 4. This file is the core file of the editor, please do not modify it at will
* 5. Please use the Ctrl + S key combination to save the edited file and wait for the execution result
* 6. After the save action is executed, please be sure to wait for the successful save message to return
* 7. The reset operation will modify the file name of this program to prevent others Guess the path
* 8. The refresh function only refreshes this program file and cannot refresh other
* It is recommended to use this editor in the chrome browser

See the project details
http://git.oschina.net/ymk18/aceditor Single-file version of online code editor aceditor
  1. /**
  2. * Single-file online code editor editor.php Version: v1.21
  3. *
  4. * Password encryption method:
  5. * md5 (self-set password + $ace) //$ace is the cdn mirror address
  6. *
  7. * How to use :
  8. * 1. Confirm that the $pwd variable value is false, upload this file to the PHP space and access it
  9. * 2. You will be prompted to set a password for the first time, set the password and remember it
  10. * 3. After logging in with the password you set for the first time , this php file is edited by default,
  11. * 4. This file is the core file of the editor, please do not modify it at will
  12. * 5. Please use the Ctrl + S key combination to save the edited file and wait for the execution result
  13. * 6. Save the action After execution, please be sure to wait for the successful save message to return
  14. * 7. The reset operation will modify the file name of this program to prevent others from guessing the path
  15. * 8. The refresh function only refreshes this program file and cannot refresh other ones
  16. *
  17. * Suggestions Use this editor in chrome browser
  18. */
  19. session_start();
  20. $curr_file = __FILE__; //Edit the current file by default
  21. $curr_file_path = str_replace(dirname(__FILE__), '', __FILE__) ;
  22. $pwd = false; //The default value of password initialization is false
  23. $ace = 'http://cdn.staticfile.org/ace/1.1.3/ace.js'; //Editor core js
  24. $tip ['core'] = 'http://cdn.staticfile.org/alertify.js/0.3.11/alertify.core.min.css';
  25. $tip['css'] = 'http://cdn. staticfile.org/alertify.js/0.3.11/alertify.default.min.css';
  26. $tip['js'] = 'http://cdn.staticfile.org/alertify.js/0.3.11/alertify .min.js';
  27. $jquery = 'http://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/2.1.1-rc2/jquery.min.js';
  28. if ( false !== $pwd ) {
  29. define ('DEFAULT_PWD', $pwd);
  30. }
  31. //The syntax parser corresponding to the file extension name
  32. $lng = array(
  33. 'as' => 'actionscript', 'js' => 'javascript',
  34. 'php' => 'php', 'css' => 'css', 'html' => 'html',
  35. 'htm' => 'html', 'ini' => 'ini ', 'json' => 'json',
  36. 'jsp' => 'jsp', 'txt' => 'text', 'sql' => 'mysql',
  37. 'xml' => 'xml', 'yaml' => 'yaml', 'py' => 'python',
  38. 'md' => 'markdown', 'htaccess' => 'apache_conf',
  39. 'bat' = > 'batchfile', 'go' => 'golang',
  40. );
  41. //Determine whether the user is logged in
  42. function is_logged() {
  43. $flag = false;
  44. if ( isset($_SESSION['pwd' ]) && defined('DEFAULT_PWD') ) {
  45. if ( $_SESSION['pwd'] === DEFAULT_PWD ) {
  46. $flag = true;
  47. }
  48. }
  49. return $flag;
  50. }
  51. //Reload Enter this page
  52. function reload() {
  53. $file = pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  54. die(header("Location: {$file}"));
  55. }
  56. //Determine whether the request is an ajax request
  57. function is_ajax() {
  58. $flag = false;
  59. if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) ) {
  60. $flag = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) === 'xmlhttprequest';
  61. }
  62. return $flag;
  63. }
  64. //Destroy SESSION and COOKIE
  65. function exterminate() {
  66. $_SESSION = array();
  67. foreach ( $_COOKIE as $key ) {
  68. setcookie($key, null);
  69. }
  70. session_destroy();
  71. $_COOKIE = array();
  72. return true;
  73. }
  74. //Get a list of files in a directory
  75. function list_dir($path, $type = 'array') {
  76. $flag = false;
  77. $lst = array('dir'=>array(), 'file'=>array());
  78. $base = !is_dir($path) ? dirname($path) : $path;
  79. $tmp = scandir($base);
  80. foreach ( $tmp as $k=>$v ) {
  81. //Filter out the superior directory, this level directory and the program’s own file name
  82. if ( !in_array($v, array(' .', '..')) ) {
  83. $file = $full_path = rtrim($base, '/').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$v;
  84. if ( $full_path == __FILE__ ) {
  85. continue; // Shield itself The file does not appear in the list
  86. }
  87. $file = str_replace(dirname(__FILE__), '', $file);
  88. $file = str_replace("\", '/', $file); //Filter the path under win
  89. $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file); //Filter double slashes
  90. if ( is_dir($full_path) ) {
  91. if ( 'html' === $type ) {
  92. $v = '
  93. '.$v.' }
  94. array_push($lst['dir'], $v);
  95. } else {
  96. if ( 'html' === $type ) {
  97. $v = '
  98. '.$v.'
  99. ';
  100. }
  101. array_push($lst[ 'file'], $v);
  102. }
  103. }
  104. }
  105. $lst = array_merge($lst['dir'], $lst['file']);
  106. $lst = array_filter($lst);
  107. $ flag = $lst;
  108. if ( 'html' === $type ) {
  109. $flag = '
      '. implode('', $lst) .'
  110. }
  111. return $flag;
  112. }
  113. //Recursively delete a non-empty directory
  114. function deldir($dir) {
  115. $dh = opendir($dir);
  116. while ( $file = readdir($dh) ) {
  117. if ( $file != '. ' && $file != '..' ) {
  118. $fullpath = $dir.'/'.$file;
  119. if ( !is_dir($fullpath) ) {
  120. unlink($fullpath);
  121. } else {
  122. deldir ($fullpath);
  123. }
  124. }
  125. }
  126. return rmdir($dir);
  127. }
  128. //Log out
  129. if ( isset($_GET['logout']) ) {
  130. if ( exterminate() ) {
  131. reload();
  132. }
  133. }
  134. //ajax output file content
  135. if ( is_logged() && is_ajax() && isset($_POST['file']) ) {
  136. $file = dirname(__FILE__).$ _POST['file'];
  137. $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
  138. $mode = isset($lng[$ext]) ? $lng[$ext] : false;
  139. die(json_encode(array(
  140. 'file' => $file, 'html' => file_get_contents($file),
  141. 'mode' => $mode,
  142. )));
  143. }
  144. //ajax output directory list
  145. if ( is_logged () && is_ajax() && isset($_POST['dir']) ) {
  146. $dir = dirname(__FILE__).$_POST['dir'];
  147. $list_dir = list_dir($dir, 'html');
  148. die(json_encode(array(
  149. 'dir' => $dir, 'html' => $list_dir,
  150. )));
  151. }
  152. //ajax save file
  153. if ( is_logged() && is_ajax() && isset($_POST['action']) ) {
  154. $arr = array('result'=>'error', 'msg'=>'File saving failed! ');
  155. $content = $_POST['content'];
  156. if ( 'save_file' === $_POST['action'] ) {
  157. if ( isset($_POST['file_path']) ) {
  158. $ file = dirname(__FILE__).$_POST['file_path'];
  159. } else {
  160. $file = __FILE__;
  161. }
  162. file_put_contents($file, $content);
  163. $arr['result'] = 'success';
  164. $arr['msg'] = 'Save successfully! ';
  165. }
  166. die(json_encode($arr));
  167. }
  168. //ajax delete file or folder
  169. if ( is_logged() && is_ajax() && isset($_POST['del']) ) {
  170. $path = dirname(__FILE__).$_POST['del'];
  171. $arr = array('result'=>'error', 'msg'=>'Delete operation failed!');
  172. if ( $ _POST['del'] && $path ) {
  173. $flag = is_dir($path) ? deldir($path) : unlink($path);
  174. if ( $flag ) {
  175. $arr['msg'] = ' The deletion operation was successful! ';
  176. $arr['result'] = 'success';
  177. }
  178. }
  179. die(json_encode($arr));
  180. }
  181. //ajax creates a new file or folder
  182. if ( is_logged() && is_ajax( ) && isset($_POST['create']) ) {
  183. $flag = false;
  184. $arr = array('result'=>'error', 'msg'=>'Operation failed!');
  185. if ( isset($_POST['target']) ) {
  186. $target = dirname(__FILE__).$_POST['target'];
  187. $target = is_dir($target) ? $target : dirname($target);
  188. }
  189. if ( $_POST['create'] && $target ) {
  190. $base_name = pathinfo($_POST['create'], PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  191. $exp = explode('.', $base_name);
  192. $ full_path = $target.'/'.$base_name;
  193. $new_path = str_replace(dirname(__FILE__), '', $full_path);
  194. if ( count($exp) > 1 && isset($lng[array_pop($ exp)]) ) {
  195. file_put_contents($full_path, '');
  196. $arr['result'] = 'success';
  197. $arr['msg'] = 'New file successfully! ';
  198. $arr['type'] = 'file';
  199. } else {
  200. mkdir($full_path, 0777, true);
  201. $arr['result'] = 'success';
  202. $arr['msg' ] = 'Create new directory successfully! ';
  203. $arr['type'] = 'dir';
  204. }
  205. if ( $base_name && $new_path ) {
  206. $arr['new_name'] = $base_name;
  207. $arr['new_path'] = $new_path ;
  208. }
  209. }
  210. die(json_encode($arr));
  211. }
  212. //ajax rename file or folder
  213. if ( is_logged() && is_ajax() && isset($_POST['rename']) ) {
  214. $arr = array('result'=>'error', 'msg'=>'Rename operation failed!');
  215. if ( isset($_POST['target']) ) {
  216. $target = dirname(__FILE__).$_POST['target'];
  217. }
  218. if ( $_POST['rename'] ) {
  219. $base_name = pathinfo($_POST['rename'], PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  220. if ( $base_name ) {
  221. $rename = dirname($target).'/'.$base_name;
  222. $new_path = str_replace(dirname(__FILE__), '', $rename);
  223. }
  224. }
  225. if ( $rename && $target && rename($target, $rename) ) {
  226. $arr['new_name'] = $base_name;
  227. $arr['new_path'] = $new_path;
  228. $arr['msg'] = 'Rename operation successful!';
  229. $arr['result'] = 'success';
  230. }
  231. if ( $target == __FILE__ ) {
  232. $arr['redirect'] = $new_path;
  233. }
  234. die(json_encode($arr));
  235. }
  236. //获取代码文件内容
  237. $code = file_get_contents($curr_file);
  238. $tree = '
    • ROOT'.list_dir($curr_file, 'html').'
  239. //登陆和设置密码共用模版
  240. $first = <<
  241. 【标题】
  242. HTMLSTR;
  243. //判断是否第一次登录
  244. if ( false === $pwd && empty($_POST) ) {
  245. die(str_replace(
  246. array('【标题】', '【动作】'),
  247. array('第一次使用,请先设置密码!', 'Settings'),
  248. $first
  249. ));
  250. }
  251. //Set the login password for the first time
  252. if ( false === $pwd && !empty($_POST) ) {
  253. if ( isset($ _POST['pwd']) && strlen($_POST['pwd']) ) {
  254. $pwd = $_SESSION['pwd'] = md5($_POST['pwd'].$ace);
  255. $code = preg_replace('#$pwd = false;#', '$pwd = "'.$pwd.'";', $code, 1);
  256. file_put_contents($curr_file, $code);
  257. } else {
  258. reload( );
  259. }
  260. }
  261. //User login verification
  262. if ( false !== $pwd && !empty($_POST) ) {
  263. $tmp = md5($_POST['pwd'].$ace);
  264. if ( $tmp && $pwd && $tmp === $pwd ) {
  265. $_SESSION['pwd'] = $pwd;
  266. reload();
  267. }
  268. }
  269. //Process the html entity
  270. $code = htmlspecialchars($code);
  271. $dir_icon = str_replace(array("rn", "r", "n"), '',
  272. '
  274. sCjQEcIY3DiiJUYiqRhp5Mra/92YSUVVgLSW49B7H +NApRh75XkHfFoCG+02tyflUeQTw2y9UYYP8cCStc9SM
  275. PeVA/Sy6Dw555q3au1z+EhBYk1cgO7OSNdaFNT0x5sCkYDha0WPiHZgVqPzLO+8seai6E2jed42bCL06tNyEH
  276. AX9kv3 jh3HqH7BctFWLMOmAbcg05mHK5+sQpd1HYijN47zcDUCShGEHtzxtwQS9WTcAQmJROrJDLXQB9s1Tu6
  277. MtRED4bwsHLnUzxEeKac3+GeP6eo8yevhjC3F1qC4CDAAl3HwuyNAIdwAAAABJRU5ErkJg gg==');
  278. $file_icon = str_replace(array("rn", "r", "n"), '',
  281. C6X+/iUloSr6xioFHJkPee5mUJgBwT7gjpPB3XAgfiBjs5dOyLF/btl0pkEFngdbzPGNRFK/U+0hwJAAMjmcm
  282. DsOA4zge6Pseu67DpmlEqK5rLMvyRkDJor6uq2SGktu2Ffdp mpANqqoSASYnO/kthABJkoCOxCASkCBkWSYuQ
  283. qCeNE1fqHz3fMkXzjnJ2sRinL33QBNIzWJ5n h/L8npQohVTJwYTyfFm/d6Oo2HGE8ffwseuZ1PEjhrOutmsRF
  284. 0iC8QmPibEtT4hftrhHI95Jq JT/HC2JOt0to+zN6MVsZ/oZKqwmyCTA33DkbN1sws0i+Pega6v0kd42H9JB/8
  286. $loading = str_replace(array("rn", "r", "n"), '',
  287. '
  291. Hibbk9ylbyVlth5k0J0IACH5Baukaagalaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaemkpjae4W5TPKQL2fefiltMJYVHNZ
  292. 3
  293. 3
  294. 3
  295. 3
  296. 3
  300. iads = ');
  301. //// /Editor template
  302. $html = <<
  303. ACE code Editor
  304. 保存
  305. 刷新
  306. 重置
  307. 退出
  • {$tree}
  • //Judgement Have you logged in
  • if ( !is_logged() ) {
  • die(str_replace(
  • array('[Title]', '[Action]'),
  • array('Please enter the password you set for the first time!', ' Login'),
  • $first
  • ));
  • } else {
  • echo $html;
  • }
  • Copy code

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