RMM word segmentation algorithm class
- //RMM word segmentation algorithm
- class SplitWord{
- var $TagDic = Array();
- var $RankDic = Array();
- var $SourceStr = '';
- var $ResultStr = '';
- var $ SplitChar = ' '; //Separator
- var $SplitLen = 4; //Reserved word length
- var $MaxLen = 7; //The largest Chinese character in the dictionary, the value here is the maximum index of the byte array
- var $MinLen = 3; //The minimum Chinese character, the value here is the maximum index of the byte array
- function SplitWord(){
- $this->__construct();
- }
- function __construct(){
- //Advanced word segmentation, Preload the dictionary to improve word segmentation speed
- $dicfile = dirname(__FILE__)."/ppldic.csv";
- $fp = fopen($dicfile,'r'); //Read words in the dictionary
- while ($line = fgets($fp,256)){
- $ws = explode(' ',$line); //Split the words in the vocabulary
- $this->TagDic[$ws[0] ] = $ws[1];
- $this->RankDic[strlen($ws[0])][$ws[0]] = $ws[2];
- }
- fclose($fp); // Close the dictionary file
- }
- //Extract resources
- function Clear(){
- @fclose($this->QuickDic);
- }
- //Set the source string
- function SetSource($str){
- $this->SourceStr = $this->UpdateStr($str);
- $this->ResultStr = "";
- }
- //Check whether the string does not exist in Chinese
- function NotGBK($str)
- {
- if($str=="") return "";
- if( ord($str[0])>0x80 ) return false;
- else return true;
- }
- //RMM word segmentation algorithm
- function SplitRMM ($str=""){
- if($str!="") $this->SetSource($str);
- if($this->SourceStr=="") return "";
- $this ->SourceStr = $this->UpdateStr($this->SourceStr);
- $spwords = explode(" ",$this->SourceStr);
- $spLen = count($spwords);
- $spc = $this->SplitChar;
- for($i=($spLen-1);$i>=0;$i--){
- if($spwords[$i]=="") continue;
- if($this->NotGBK($spwords[$i])){
- if(preg_match("/[^0-9.+-]/",$spwords[$i]))
- { $this- >ResultStr = $spwords[$i].$spc.$this->ResultStr; }
- else
- {
- $nextword = "";
- @$nextword = substr($this->ResultStr,0,strpos ($this->ResultStr,""));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $c = $spwords[$i][0].$spwords[$i][1];
- $n = hexdec (bin2hex($c));
- if(strlen($spwords[$i]) <= $this->SplitLen)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- $this->ResultStr = $this-> ;RunRMM($spwords[$i]).$spc.$this->ResultStr;
- }
- }
- }
- return $this->ResultStr;
- }
- //Reverse matching method for all Chinese strings Decompose
- function RunRMM($str){
- $spc = $this->SplitChar;
- $spLen = strlen($str);
- $rsStr = "";
- $okWord = "";
- $tmpWord = "" ;
- $WordArray = Array();
- //Reverse dictionary matching
- for($i=($spLen-1);$i>=0;){
- //When i reaches the smallest possible word
- if( $i<=$this->MinLen){
- if($i==1){
- $WordArray[] = substr($str,0,2);
- }else
- {
- $w = substr($ str,0,$this->MinLen+1);
- if($this->IsWord($w)){
- $WordArray[] = $w;
- }else{
- $WordArray[] = substr( $str,2,2);
- $WordArray[] = substr($str,0,2);
- }
- }
- $i = -1; break;
- }
- //Analyze the situation above the minimum word
- if($i>=$this->MaxLen) $maxPos = $this->MaxLen;
- else $maxPos = $i;
- $isMatch = false;
- for($j=$maxPos;$j> =0;$j=$j-2){
- $w = substr($str,$i-$j,$j+1);
- if($this->IsWord($w)){
- $ WordArray[] = $w;
- $i = $i-$j-1;
- $isMatch = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- $rsStr = $this->otherword($WordArray);
- return $rsStr;
- }
- function otherword($WordArray){
- $wlen = count($WordArray)-1; //Calculate the number of elements in the array
- $rsStr = ""; //Initialize variables
- $spc = $this->SplitChar;
- for($i=$wlen;$i>=0;$i--)
- {
- $rsStr .= $spc.$WordArray[$i].","; // Split the array into commas
- }
- //Return the word segmentation results of this paragraph
- $rsStr = preg_replace("/^".$spc."/",",",$rsStr);
- return $rsStr;
- }
- //Determine whether a certain word exists in the dictionary
- function IsWord($okWord){
- $slen = strlen($okWord);
- if($slen > $this->MaxLen) return false;
- else return isset($this->RankDic[$slen][$okWord]);
- }
- //Organize the string (preliminary processing of punctuation marks, mixed Chinese and English, etc.)
- function UpdateStr($str){
- $ spc = $this->SplitChar;
- $slen = strlen($str);
- if($slen==0) return '';
- $okstr = '';
- $prechar = 0; // 0-blank 1-English 2-Chinese 3-Symbol
- for($i=0;$i<$slen;$i++){
- if(ord($str[$i]) < 0x81){
- //Blank in English Symbol
- if(ord($str[$i]) < 33){
- if($prechar!=0&&$str[$i]!="r"&&$str[$i]!="n") $okstr .= $spc;
- $prechar=0;
- continue;
- }else if(preg_match("/[^0-9a-zA-Z@.%#:\&_-]/",$str[$ i])){
- if($prechar==0){ $okstr .= $str[$i]; $prechar=3;}
- else{ $okstr .= $spc.$str[$i]; $ prechar=3;}
- }else{
- if($prechar==2||$prechar==3)
- { $okstr .= $spc.$str[$i]; $prechar=1;}
- else
- {
- if(preg_match("/@#%:/",$str[$i])){ $okstr .= $str[$i]; $prechar=3; }
- else { $okstr .= $str [$i]; $prechar=1; }
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- //If the previous character is non-Chinese and non-space, add a space
- if($prechar!=0 && $prechar! =2) $okstr .= $spc;
- //If Chinese characters
- if(isset($str[$i+1])){
- $c = $str[$i].$str[$i+1 ];
- $n = hexdec(bin2hex($c));
- if($n<0xA13F && $n > 0xAA40){
- if($prechar!=0) $okstr .= $spc.$c;
- else $okstr .= $c;
- $prechar = 3;
- }
- else{
- $okstr .= $c;
- $prechar = 2;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- return $okstr ;
- }
- }
- // Call
- $split=new SplitWord();
- echo $split->SplitRMM("php search technology");
- // Note that the format of ppldic.csv dictionary is word + Space+Number+n
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