- /*PHP picture adding text watermark library
- This class library currently only supports text watermarks, the position is the lower right corner, the color is random
- Calling method:
- 1. Add watermark when needed Introduce the class library at the top of the file:
- include_once 'imageClass.php';
- 2. Declare the new class:
- $tpl=new image_fu;
- 3. Provide parameters for the image watermark:
- $tpl->img (image path, watermark Text, font path, font size, font angle);
- For example: $tpl->img('abc.jpg','This is watermark text','ziti.ttf',30,0)
- */
- class image_fu{
- private $image;
- private $img_info;
- private $img_width;
- private $img_height;
- private $img_im;
- private $img_text;
- private $img_ttf='';
- private $img_new;
- private $img_text_size;
- private $img_jd;
- function img($img='',$txt='',$ttf='',$size=12,$jiaodu=0){
- if(isset($img )&&file_exists($img)){//Check whether the image exists
- $this->image =$img;
- $this->img_text=$txt;
- $this->img_text_size=$size;
- $this ->img_jd=$jiaodu;
- if(file_exists($ttf)){
- $this->img_ttf=$ttf;
- }else{
- exit('Font file: '.$ttf.' does not exist!' );
- }
- $this->imgyesno();
- }else{
- exit('Image file:'.$img.' does not exist');
- }
- }
- private function imgyesno(){
- $this->img_info =getimagesize($this->image);
- $this->img_width =$this->img_info[0];//Image width
- $this->img_height=$this- >img_info[1];//Picture height
- //Detect picture type
- switch($this->img_info[2]){
- case 1:$this->img_im = imagecreatefromgif($this-> image);break;
- case 2:$this->img_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->image);break;
- case 3:$this->img_im = imagecreatefrompng($this->image);break ;
- default:exit('The image format does not support watermarks');
- }
- $this->img_text();
- }
- private function img_text(){
- imagealphablending($this->img_im, true);
- //Set color
- $color=imagecolorallocate($this->img_im,255,255,255);
- $txt_height=$this->img_text_size;
- $txt_jiaodu=$this->img_jd;
- $ ttf_im=imagettfbbox($txt_height,$txt_jiaodu,$this->img_ttf,$this->img_text);
- $w = $ttf_im[2] - $ttf_im[6];
- $h = $ttf_im[3] - $ttf_im[7];
- //$w = $ttf_im[7];
- //$h = $ttf_im[8];
- unset($ttf_im);
- $txt_y =$this->img_height *0.5;
- $txt_x =$this->img_width*0.2;
- //$txt_y =0;
- //$txt_x =0;
- $this->img_new=@imagettftext($this-> ;img_im,$txt_height,$txt_jiaodu,$txt_x,$txt_y,$color,$this->img_ttf,$this->img_text);
- @unlink($this->image);//Delete image
- switch($this->img_info[2]) {//Get the format of the background image
- case 1:imagegif($this->img_im,$this->image);break;
- case 2:imagejpeg( $this->img_im,$this->image);break;
- case 3:imagepng($this->img_im,$this->image);break;
- default: exit('Watermark image failed' );
- }
- }
- //Show image
- function img_show(){echo '
- //Release memory
- private function img_nothing(){
- unset($this->img_info);
- imagedestroy($this->img_im);
- }
- }
- ?>
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- /**
- * Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
- * User: taoqili
- * Date: 12-7-18
- * Time: 上午10:42
- */
- header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
- error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING);
- include "Uploader. class.php";
- //The description form name in the upload picture box,
- $title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['pictitle'], ENT_QUOTES);
- $path = htmlspecialchars($_POST['dir'], ENT_QUOTES) ;
- //Upload configuration
- $config = array(
- "savePath" => ($path == "1" ? "upload/" : "upload1/"),
- "maxSize" => 1000, / /Unit KB
- "allowFiles" => array(".gif", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp")
- );
- //Generate the upload instance object and complete Upload
- $up = new Uploader("upfile", $config);
- /**
- * Get the parameters and array structure corresponding to the uploaded file
- * array(
- * "originalName" => "", //Original file name
- * "name" => "", //New file name
- * "url" => "", //Returned address
- * "size" => "", //File size
- * "type" => "" , //File type
- * "state" => "" //Upload status, "SUCCESS" must be returned when the upload is successful
- * )
- */
- $info = $up->getFileInfo();
- /**
- * Return json data to the browser
- * {
- * 'url' :'a.jpg', //The saved file path
- * 'title' :'hello', //File description, for pictures It will be added to the title attribute on the front end
- * 'original' :'b.jpg', //Original file name
- * 'state' :'SUCCESS' //Upload status, SUCCESS will be returned when successful, any other value will be returned as is to the picture upload box
- * }
- */
- /* include "imgwater.php";
- $tpl=new image_fu;
- $tpl->img($info['url'],'http://www.zgxbzh.com/','simsun.ttc ',30,0);*/
- echo "{'url':'" . $info["url"] . "','title':'" . $title . "','original':' " . $info["originalName"] . "','state':'" . $info["state"] . "'}";
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