Execution method: First modify the ip of server.php and index.html Execute through the command line [php path]php.exe "[file path]server.php" Then open index.html through the browser
- include 'websocket.class.php';
- $config=array(
- 'address'=>'',
- 'port'=>'8000',
- ' event'=>'WSevent',//The function name of the callback function
- 'log'=>true,
- );
- $websocket = new websocket($config);
- $websocket->run();
- function WSevent($type,$event){
- global $websocket;
- if('in'==$type){
- $websocket->log('Customer entry id:'.$event['k']) ;
- }elseif('out'==$type){
- $websocket->log('Customer exit id:'.$event['k']);
- }elseif('msg'==$type) {
- $websocket->log($event['k'].'Message:'.$event['msg']);
- roboot($event['sign'],$event['msg']) ;
- }
- }
- function roboot($sign,$t){
- global $websocket;
- switch ($t)
- {
- case 'hello':
- $show='hello,GIt @ OSC';
- break ;
- case 'name':
- $show='Robot';
- break;
- case 'time':
- $show='Current time:'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- break;
- case 'Goodbye':
- $show='( ^_^ )/~~Bye';
- $websocket->write($sign,'Robot:'.$show);
- $websocket->close($ sign);
- return;
- break;
- case 'Heavenly King Covers Earthly Tiger':
- $array = array('Chicken stewed with mushrooms', 'Pagoda shakes the river demon', 'Every grain of it is hard work');
- $show = $array[rand(0,2)];
- break;
- default:
- $show='( ⊙o⊙?) If you don’t understand, you can try saying: hello, name, time, goodbye, the king of heaven covers the earth and the tiger.' ;
- }
- $websocket->write($sign,'Robot:'.$show);
- }
- ?>
Copy code
- /*
- Create class websocket($config);
- $config structure:
- $config=array(
- 'address'=>'',//Bind address
- 'port'=>'8000',//Bind port
- 'event'=>'WSevent',//The function name of the callback function
- 'log'=>true,//The command line displays records
- ) ;
- Callback function return data format
- function WSevent($type,$event)
- $type string event types have the following three types
- in client enters
- out client disconnects
- msg client message arrives
- all are Lower case
- $event array
- $event['k'] userid of built-in user list;
- $event['sign'] customer mark
- $event['msg'] only when message $type='msg' is received There is this information
- Method:
- run() run
- search(label) traverse to get the id of the label
- close(label) disconnect
- write(label, information) push information
- idwrite(id, information) push information
- Attribute:
- $users customer list
- Structure:
- $users=array(
- [user id]=>array('socket'=>[mark],'hand'=[whether to shake hands - Boolean value]),
- [userid]=>arr....
- )
- */
- class websocket{
- public $log;
- public $event;
- public $signets;
- public $users;
- public $master;
- public function __construct($config){
- if (substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) !== 'cli') {
- die("Please run through command line mode!");
- }
- error_reporting(E_ALL) ;
- set_time_limit(0);
- ob_implicit_flush();
- $this->event = $config['event'];
- $this->log = $config['log'];
- $this-> master=$this->WebSocket($config['address'], $config['port']);
- $this->sockets=array('s'=>$this->master);
- }
- function WebSocket($address,$port){
- $server = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
- socket_set_option($server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
- socket_bind($server, $address, $port );
- socket_listen($server);
- $this->log('Start listening: '.$address.' : '.$port);
- return $server;
- }
- function run(){
- while( true){
- $changes=$this->sockets;
- @socket_select($changes,$write=NULL,$except=NULL,NULL);
- foreach($changes as $sign){
- if($sign= =$this->master){
- $client=socket_accept($this->master);
- $this->sockets[]=$client;
- $user = array(
- 'socket'=>$ client,
- 'hand'=>false,
- );
- $this->users[] = $user;
- $k=$this->search($client);
- $eventreturn = array('k '=>$k,'sign'=>$sign);
- $this->eventoutput('in',$eventreturn);
- }else{
- $len=socket_recv($sign,$buffer,2048 ,0);
- $k=$this->search($sign);
- $user=$this->users[$k];
- if($len<7){
- $this->close ($sign);
- $eventreturn = array('k'=>$k,'sign'=>$sign);
- $this->eventoutput('out',$eventreturn);
- continue;
- }
- if(!$this->users[$k]['hand']){//No handshake for handshake
- $this->handshake($k,$buffer);
- }else{
- $buffer = $this->uncode($buffer);
- $eventreturn = array('k'=>$k,'sign'=>$sign,'msg'=>$buffer);
- $this- >eventoutput('msg',$eventreturn);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function search($sign){//Get the id through sign traversal
- foreach ($this->users as $k= >$v){
- if($sign==$v['socket'])
- return $k;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function close($sign){//Disconnect via sign
- $k=array_search($sign, $this->sockets);
- socket_close($sign);
- unset($this->sockets[$k]);
- unset($this->users[$k ]);
- }
- function handshake($k,$buffer){
- $buf = substr($buffer,strpos($buffer,'Sec-WebSocket-Key:')+18);
- $key = trim(substr ($buf,0,strpos($buf,"rn")));
- $new_key = base64_encode(sha1($key."258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11",true));
- $new_message = " HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocolsrn";
- $new_message .= "Upgrade: websocketrn";
- $new_message .= "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13rn";
- $new_message .= "Connection: Upgradern";
- $new_message .= "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " . $new_key . "rnrn";
- socket_write($this->users[$k]['socket'],$new_message,strlen($new_message));
- $this-> ;users[$k]['hand']=true;
- return true;
- }
- function uncode($str){
- $mask = array();
- $data = '';
- $msg = unpack('H*',$str);
- $head = substr($msg[1],0,2);
- if (hexdec($head小贝) === 8) {
- $data = false;
- }else if (hexdec($head小贝) === 1){
- $mask[] = hexdec(substr($msg[1],4,2));
- $mask[] = hexdec(substr($msg[1],6,2));
- $mask[] = hexdec(substr($msg[1],8,2));
- $mask[] = hexdec(substr($msg[1],10,2));
- $s = 12;
- $e = strlen($msg[1])-2;
- $n = 0;
- for ($i=$s; $i<= $e; $i+= 2) {
- $data .= chr($mask[$n%4]^hexdec(substr($msg[1],$i,2)));
- $n++;
- }
- }
- return $data;
- }
- function code($msg){
- $msg = preg_replace(array('/r$/','/n$/','/rn$/',), '', $msg);
- $frame = array();
- $frame[0] = '81';
- $len = strlen($msg);
- $frame[1] = $len<16?'0'.dechex($len):dechex($len);
- $frame[2] = $this->ord_hex($msg);
- $data = implode('',$frame);
- return pack("H*", $data);
- }
- function ord_hex($data) {
- $msg = '';
- $l = strlen($data);
- for ($i= 0; $i<$l; $i++) {
- $msg .= dechex(ord($data{$i}));
- }
- return $msg;
- }
- function idwrite($id,$t){//通过id推送信息
- if(!$this->users[$id]['socket']){return false;}//没有这个标示
- $t=$this->code($t);
- return socket_write($this->users[$id]['socket'],$t,strlen($t));
- }
- function write($k,$t){//通过标示推送信息
- $t=$this->code($t);
- return socket_write($k,$t,strlen($t));
- }
- function eventoutput($type,$event){//事件回调
- call_user_func($this->event,$type,$event);
- }
- function log($t){//控制台输出
- if($this->log){
- $t=$t."rn";
- fwrite(STDOUT, iconv('utf-8','gbk//IGNORE',$t));
- }
- }
- }