Destoon security settings, how to set writable permissions for directory permissions and file permissions in destoon, how to set directory and file writable permissions for destoon security settings, friends in need can refer to it.
destoon security settings directory and file writable permissions Here is the destoonV4.0 system as an example: about/ announce/ file/ index.html The above directories or files must have writable permissions correctly set, and when setting the directory to be writable, all subdirectories and subfiles must be included, otherwise the system functions may not work properly. After the installation directory install is completed, the system will try to destroy the installation file, but it may not be destroyed due to permission files. It is recommended to delete the install directory via ftp. After the upgrade directory upgrade is completed, the system will try to destroy the upgrade file, but it may not be destroyed due to permission issues. It is recommended to delete the upgrade directory via ftp. Recommended reading: destoon introductory tutorials and skill examples |