Share the usage of ini_set and ini_get functions in PHP. Friends who learn PHP programming can pay attention.
The ini_set function in php is a function that comes with php to modify and set the php.ini configuration file. It is very convenient to use this function without having to manually modify the php.ini file. Sometimes you don't have permission to modify the php.ini file, so you can use this function. Syntax: ini_set("option","value"); when using this function, it is best to place it at the top of the php script For example: ini_set("max_execution_time", "180");//Set the php script timeout to 180 seconds For specific php options, please refer to the Configuration PHP Core section of the phpinfo file ini_get is just the opposite of ini_set, used to get the value of the environment variable in the php.ini file. Syntax: string ini_get (string varname); Returns the value of the option, if the value of the option is Boolean, it returns 0 or 1 For example: echo ini_get('max_execution_time');//Output 30 If you want to get the variable values in the entire php.ini, you can use the enhanced function of ini_get ini_get_all(), which returns the entire php environment variables in the form of an array. |