header("content-type:text/html;charset=gbk"); ini_set("date.timezone","Asia/chong"); //Determine whether the file is empty if(empty($_FILES)){ echo "The uploaded file is too large"; exit; } / /Determine whether there is an error in file upload if($_FILES['pic']['error']){ echo "Upload file"; exit; } //Determine whether the file type is illegal to obtain the file suffix $allowtype =array("jpg","png","jpeg","gif"); $a=explode('.',$_FILES['pic']['name']); $index=count( $a)-1; $ex=strtolower($a[$index]); if(!in_array($ex,$allowtype)){ echo "Illegal file upload"; exit; } $file =date('YmdHis').rand().".".$ex; $src=$_FILES['pic']['tmp_name']; $des="upload/".$file; $ rs=move_uploaded_file($src,$des);
//Read uploaded images
$a=getimagesize($ des);
$height=$width/$w*$ h;
}else if($w<$h){ $height=300; $width=$height/$h*$w; }else{ $width=300; $height=300; } //Create a blank new image $newimage=imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); //Copy source image content copy new image imagecopyresized($newimage, $image, 0,0, 0,0, $width , $height, $w, $h); $filename="upload/s_".$file; imagejpeg($newimage,$filename);
Copy code