Craig Buckler, a freelance UK web consultant, has been engaged in programming language statistics for many years. This article counts the language rankings from four sources including GitHut and RedMonk. He said that the choice of language should be based on your actual situation and learning a language that can best help you solve practical problems.
The following is the translation:
I have been engaged in programming language statistics for many years. There are a large number of data sources including code repositories, Q&A discussions, job advertisements, social media status, tutorial page visits, learning video views, developer surveys, etc. . The data are published at different times and can be considered accurate or flawed, but they can be used to spot industry trends.
GitHut is a relatively new resource. According to analysis, there are currently 2.2 million active libraries in GitHub. The top ten are:
PHP Ruby JavaScriptJava PHPPythonC#C++RubyCSSCObjective-C Jobs TractorJobs Tractor Language Trends analyzes thousands of jobs on Twitter Positions, the latest data for September 2014 are as follows: JavaObjective-CPHPSQLJava (Android)C#JavaScriptPythonRuby C++ TIOBE IndexTIOBE Index is based on language rankings of skilled engineers, courses and search engines: CJavaC++Objective-CC#JavaScriptPHPYou can quickly create a few lines of code with CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python or shell scripts, but this may not be possible with languages like C, C#, Objective-C and Java.
Take today’s chart and compare it to 2014 data from RedMonk and JobsTractor, and you’ll see that almost nothing has changed, no new entries or big leaps into the top ten languages.
Surveys won’t tell you that
There is no best language.
Few developers get rich working on a single technology. If you're thinking about client-side JavaScript, you won't get very far without a good understanding of HTML, CSS, etc. The more you need, the more you learn and master.
surveys are fun, but don’t put your career on the line. Remember:
Choosing a language based solely on survey data or salary prospects will fail.
There’s a secret to becoming a great developer:
Let go and build things.
First, identify a problem - especially one that is of interest or benefit to you. Maybe it's creating a resume website, organizing your finances or automating your home, whatever it is, make sure the goal is achievable.
Then choose a suitable set of technologies, maybe a few options. But don't try to "force" certain languages: you can create a native mobile app in Perl, but the resources are rare.
Next create the solution: Google, code samples, and fellow developers will all be helpful, but don’t expect them to have all the answers. Your project is (or should be) a unique program that only one person can teach you, and that's yourself.
Finally, don’t expect to become a coding ninja overnight. Some people have a natural ability, but also spend many, many hours honing their skills and constantly learning new techniques and techniques.
In short, learn a language that can best help you solve practical problems. Don't worry about technology obsolescence, as the conceptual similarities across all languages make your skills transferable. Don't worry about your choices - just build something!
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