A function used for string interception, which can automatically clear the web page tags during interception to make the interception more complete. Friends in need, come and take a look.
php string interception function complete code. <?php /** * 字符串截取函数 自动清除网页标签 * site http://bbs.it-home.org **/ Function str_cut($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', $code = 'UTF-8') { $string = strip_tags(preg_replace('!\s+!', $string, ' ')); if ($length == 0) return ''; if ($code == 'UTF-8') { $pa = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|\xe0[\xa0-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xe1-\xef][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|\xf0[\x90-\xbf][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xf1-\xf7][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]/"; } else { $pa = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xa1-\xff][\xa1-\xff]/"; } preg_match_all($pa, $string, $t_string); if (count($t_string[0]) > $length) return join('', array_slice($t_string[0], 0, $length)) . $etc; return join('', array_slice($t_string[0], 0, $length)); } ?> Copy after login |