- function RecordToJson($recordset)
- {
- $jstr='[';
- while($rs = $recordset->Fetch())
- {
- //$nick = iconv ("GBK",'utf-8',$rs['nick']);/*Convert to utf-8 encoding*/
- //TODO: Traverse the result set
- $arr_keys=array_keys($rs);
- $ jstr=$jstr.'{';
- for($i=0;$i{
- //The database encoding is gbk, the encoding needs to be converted
- //TODO;iconv ("GBK",'utf-8',$rs['nick']);/*Convert to utf-8 encoding*/
- $key=iconv("GBK",'utf-8',$arr_keys[$ i]);//$arr_keys[$i];
- $value=iconv("GBK",'utf-8',$rs[$arr_keys[$i]]);//$rs[$arr_keys[$ i]];
- $jstr=$jstr.'"'.$key.'":"'.$value.'",';
- }
- $jstr=substr($jstr,0,strlen($jstr) -1);
- $jstr=$jstr.'},';
- }
- $jstr=substr($jstr,0,strlen($jstr)-1);
- $jstr=$jstr.']';
- return $jstr;
- }
Copy code php’s default result set array has a numeric index. The following function can remove the numeric index and only keep the field index: - function RebuilderRecord( $recordset)
- {
- $row=0;
- while($rs = $recordset->Fetch())
- {
- //TODO: Traverse the result set
- $arr_keys=array_keys($rs);
- for($ i=0;$i
- {
- $newrs[$row][$arr_keys[$i]]=$rs[$arr_keys[$i]];
- }
- $row++;
- }
- return $newrs;
- }
Copy code