Home Backend Development PHP Tutorial Example of php using phpword to generate word documents

Example of php using phpword to generate word documents

Jul 25, 2016 am 09:04 AM

  1. <p><?php
  2. require_once '../libs/PHPWord/PHPWord.php';
  3. require_once '../libs/PHPWord/PHPWord/IOFactory.php';
  4. require_once '. ./../config.php';
  5. // require_once '../common/conn.php';</p>
  6. <p>// New Word Document
  7. $PHPWord = new PHPWord();&lt ;/p>
  8. <p>/**********Text format word text.php************/
  9. // New portrait section</p>
  10. <p>//Comma separated string
  11. $arr = $_REQUEST['arr'];
  12. $a = explode(',',$arr);
  13. //echo $arr;
  14. date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Shanghai");//Set a time zone
  15. $tm=date('Y-m-d H:i:s' );
  16. //exit($tm);
  17. /**********Rain volume in recent days*********/
  18. if(in_array('1', $a, TRUE)){
  19. $section = $PHPWord->createSection();
  20. $PHPWord->addFontStyle('rStyle', array('bold'=>false, 'italic'=>false, 'size'=>16));
  21. $PHPWord->addParagraphStyle('pStyle' , array('align'=>'center', 'spaceAfter'=>100));
  22. $c = "Previous three days' rainfall report";
  23. $section->addText($c, 'rStyle', 'pStyle');</p>
  24. <p>$styleTable = array('borderSize'=>6, 'borderColor'=>'006699', 'cellMargin'=>80);
  25. $styleFirstRow = array('borderBottomSize'=>18, 'borderBottomColor'=>'0000FF', 'bgColor'=>'66BBFF');</p>
  26. <p>// Define cell style arrays
  27. $ styleCell = array('valign'=>'center');
  28. // Define font style for first row
  29. $fontStyle = array('bold'=>true, 'align'=>'center');
  30. //Set the title
  31. $PHPWord->addFontStyle('rStyle', array('bold'=>true, 'italic'=>true, 'size'=>16));
  32. $PHPWord-> addParagraphStyle('pStyle', array('align'=>'center', 'spaceAfter'=>100));</p>
  33. <p>// Add table style
  34. $PHPWord->addTableStyle ('myOwnTableStyle', $styleTable, $styleFirstRow);</p>
  35. <p>// Add table
  36. $table = $section->addTable('myOwnTableStyle');</p>
  37. < p>// Add row to set the row height
  38. $table->addRow(500);</p>
  39. <p>$table->addCell(2300, $styleCell)->addText('site code ', $fontStyle);
  40. $table->addCell(2300, $styleCell)->addText('station name', $fontStyle);
  41. $table->addCell(2300, $styleCell)->addText ('Rainfall', $fontStyle);
  42. $table->addCell(2300, $styleCell)->addText('Hydrological station monitoring type', $fontStyle);</p>
  43. <p>$conn = mssql_connect($config['mssql']['host'],$config['mssql']['user'],$config['mssql']['password']);
  44. mssql_select_db($config[' mssql']['dbname'],$conn);</p>
  45. <p>$stm = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime('-3 days'));
  46. $sql = "EXEC HNOW05_GETPPSPACE '','','".$stm."',1,1";
  47. $res=mssql_query($sql);</p>
  48. <p>while($arr = mssql_fetch_array ($res)){
  49. //echo $arr["STCD"]."</br>";
  50. $table->addRow();
  51. $table->addCell(2300)->addText ($arr["STCD"]);
  52. $table->addCell(2300)->addText($arr["STNM"]);
  53. $table->addCell(2300)->addText($ arr["P"]);
  54. if($arr["STTP"] == 'MM'){
  55. $table->addCell(2300)->addText('Weather Station');
  56. }else if ($arr["STTP"] == 'BB'){
  57. $table->addCell(2300)->addText('Evaporation Station');
  58. }else if($arr["STTP"] == 'DD'){
  59. $table->addCell(2300)->addText('Weir Gate Hydrological Station');
  60. }else if($arr["STTP"] == 'TT'){
  61. $table ->addCell(2300)->addText('Ebb Tide Station');
  62. }else if($arr["STTP"] == 'DP'){
  63. $table->addCell(2300)-&gt ;addText('Pumping Station');
  64. }else if($arr["STTP"] == 'SS'){
  65. $table->addCell(2300)->addText('Pumping Station');
  66. }else if($arr["STTP"] == 'PP'){
  67. $table->addCell(2300)->addText('Rain Gauge Station');
  68. }else if($arr["STTP" ] == 'ZZ'){
  69. $table->addCell(2300)->addText('River water level hydrological station');
  70. }else if($arr["STTP"] == 'RR'){
  71. $table->addCell(2300)->addText('Reservoir Hydrological Station');
  72. }else if($arr["STTP"] == 'ZG'){
  73. $table->addCell(2300 )->addText('Underground water station');
  74. }else if($arr["STTP"] == 'ZB'){
  75. $table->addCell(2300)->addText('Flood level Station');
  76. }
  77. }
  78. $section->addTextBreak(2);
  79. }else{</p>
  80. <p>}</p>
  81. <p>/******Geological disaster*******/
  82. if(in_array('3', $a, TRUE)){
  83. $section = $PHPWord->createSection();
  84. $PHPWord ->addFontStyle('rStyle', array('bold'=>false, 'italic'=>false, 'size'=>16));
  85. $PHPWord->addParagraphStyle('pStyle', array ('align'=>'center', 'spaceAfter'=>100));
  86. $c = "Geological Hazards";
  87. $section->addText($c, 'rStyle', 'pStyle'); </p>
  88. <p>$content="Based on the 24-hour rainfall forecast of the Municipal Meteorological Bureau and the real-time rainfall data of the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, the Municipal Land and Resources Bureau has made a geological disaster forecast. Please pay attention to the relevant departments</p>
  89. <p>Real-time warning information to prevent geological disasters";
  90. $section->addText($content);
  91. // Add image elements
  92. $section->addImage("images/image001.jpg" , array('width'=>600, 'height'=>480, 'align'=>'center'));
  93. }else{</p>
  94. <p>}
  95. // Save File
  96. $fileName = "word report".date("YmdHis");
  97. header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-word");
  98. header("Content-Disposition:attachment;filename=".$ fileName.".docx");
  99. header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
  100. $objWriter = PHPWord_IOFactory::createWriter($PHPWord, 'Word2007');
  101. $objWriter->save(' php://output');
  102. ?></p>
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