- var username=$(".input_user").val();
- var password=$( ".input_ps").val();
- var code=$('.input_checkcode').val();
- if(username==""){
- alert("Username cannot be empty");
- return false;
- }
- if(password==""){
- alert("Password cannot be empty");
- return false;
- }
var URL="checkLogin.php?" ;
- var DATA="&username="+username+"&password="+password+"&code="+code;
- $.getJSON(URL+DATA,function(json){
- if(json.code=='code_error') {
- alert('Verification code error, please re-enter the verification code');
- }
- if(json.username=='true_u'&&json.password=='true_p'){
- //alert(json.username+"| "+username+'...1');
- window.location="index.php";
- }
- if(json.username=='error_u'||json.password=='error_p'){
- alert( "The username or password entered is incorrect, please check and log in again!");
- window.location="login.php";
- }
- });
- });
Copy code
Backend checkLogin.php key code:
- $code=$_GET['code'];
- if($code!=$_SESSION['captchaCode']['content'])
- {$adminInfo['code']='code_error' ;};
- if($row['username']==$username&&$row['password']==$password){
- $_SESSION['username']=$row['username'];
- $adminInfo['username']='true_u';
- $adminInfo['password']='true_p';
- mysql_close();
- }else
- if($row['username']!=$username){
- $adminInfo['username']='error_u';
- }
- if($row['password']!=$password){
- $adminInfo['password']='error_p';
- }
- //var_dump ($adminInfo);exit;
- echo json_encode($adminInfo);
Copy code
The details are as follows:
checkCode.class.php//Verification code
- /*
- * Captcha Class base on PHP GD Lib
- * @author Design
- * @version 1.0
- * @copyright js8.in 2010 bbs.it-home.org
- * @demo
- * include('captchaClass.php');
- * $captchaDemo=new Captcha();
- * $captchaDemo->createImage();
- */
- class Captcha{
- //@Define the height of the verification code image
- private $height;
- //@Define the width of the verification code image
- private $width;
- //@Define the number of verification code characters
- private $textNum;
- //@Define the content of the verification code characters
- private $textContent;
- //@ Define character color
- private $fontColor;
- //@Define random text color
- private $randFontColor;
- //@Define font size
- private $fontSize;
- //@Define font
- private $fontFamily;
- //@ Define the background color
- private $bgColor;
- //@Define the random background color
- private $randBgColor;
- //@Define the character language
- private $textLang;
- //@Define the number of interference points
- private $noisePoint;
- / /@Define the number of interference lines
- private $noiseLine;
- //@Define whether to distort
- private $distortion;
- //@Define the distorted image source
- private $distortionImage;
- //@Define whether there is a border
- private $showBorder;
- //@Define verification code image source
- private $image;
- //@Constructor constructor
- public function Captcha(){
- $this->textNum=4;
- $this->fontSize=16;
- $ this->fontFamily='c:\windows\fontsSIMYOU.ttf';//Set the Chinese font, you can change it to the Linux directory
- $this->textLang='en';
- $this->noisePoint=30 ;
- $this->noiseLine=3;
- $this->distortion=false;
- $this->showBorder=false;
- }
- //@Set the image width
- public function setWidth($w){
- $this->width=$w;
- }
- //@Set the image height
- public function setHeight($h){
- $this->height=$h;
- }
- //@Set the character Number
- public function setTextNumber($textN){
- $this->textNum=$textN;
- }
- //@Set character color
- public function setFontColor($fc){
- $this->fontColor=sscanf ($fc,'#%2x%2x%2x');
- }
- //@Set the font size
- public function setFontSize($n){
- $this->fontSize=$n;
- }
- // @Set the font
- public function setFontFamily($ffUrl){
- $this->fontFamily=$ffUrl;
- }
- //@Set the character language
- public function setTextLang($lang){
- $this->textLang= $lang;
- }
- //@Set the picture background
- public function setBgColor($bc){
- $this->bgColor=sscanf($bc,'#%2x%2x%2x');
- }
- //@Set the number of interference points
- public function setNoisePoint($n){
- $this->noisePoint=$n;
- }
- //@Set the number of interference lines
- public function setNoiseLine($n){
- $this ->noiseLine=$n;
- }
- //@Set whether to display the border
- public function setDistortion($b){
- $this->distortion=$b;
- }
- //@Set whether to display the border
- public function setShowBorder($border){
- $this->showBorder=$border;
- }
- //@Initialization verification code picture
- public function initImage(){
- if(empty($this->width)) {$this->width=floor($this->fontSize*1.3)*$this->textNum+10;}
- if(empty($this->height)){$this->height =$this->fontSize*2;}
- $this->image=imagecreatetruecolor($this->width,$this->height);
- if(empty($this->bgColor)){
- $this->randBgColor=imagecolorallocate($this->image,mt_rand(100,255),mt_rand(100,255),mt_rand(100,255));
- }else{
- $this->randBgColor=imagecolorallocate($this- >image,$this->bgColor[0],$this->bgColor[1],$this->bgColor[2]);
- }
- imagefill($this->image,0,0 ,$this->randBgColor);
- }
- //@Generate random characters
- public function randText($type){
- $string='';
- switch($type){
- case 'en':
- for($i=0;$i<$this->textNum;$i++){
- $string=$string.','.$str[mt_rand(0,29)];
- }
- break;
- case 'cn':
- for($i=0;$i<$this->textNum;$i++) {
- $string=$string.','.chr(rand(0xB0, 0xCC)).chr(rand(0xA1,0xBB));
- }
- $string=iconv('GB2312','UTF-8',$string); //Convert encoding to utf8
- break;
- }
- return substr ($string,1);
- }
- //@Output text to verification code
- public function createText(){
- $textArray=explode(',',$this->randText($this->textLang) );
- $this->textContent=join('',$textArray);
- if(empty($this->fontColor)){
- $this->randFontColor=imagecolorallocate($this->image, mt_rand(0,100),mt_rand(0,100),mt_rand(0,100));
- }else{
- $this->randFontColor=imagecolorallocate($this->image,$this->fontColor[0],$this- >fontColor[1],$this->fontColor[2]);
- }
- for($i=0;$i<$this->textNum;$i++){
- $angle=mt_rand(-1,1)*mt_rand(1,20);
- imagettftext($this->image,$this->fontSize,$angle,5+$i*floor($this->fontSize*1.3),floor($this->height*0.75),$this->randFontColor,$this->fontFamily,$textArray[$i]);
- }
- }
- //@生成干扰点
- public function createNoisePoint(){
- for($i=0;$i<$this->noisePoint;$i++){
- $pointColor=imagecolorallocate($this->image,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255));
- imagesetpixel($this->image,mt_rand(0,$this->width),mt_rand(0,$this->height),$pointColor);
- }
- }
- //@产生干扰线
- public function createNoiseLine(){
- for($i=0;$i<$this->noiseLine;$i++) {
- $lineColor=imagecolorallocate($this->image,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),20);
- imageline($this->image,0,mt_rand(0,$this->width),$this->width,mt_rand(0,$this->height),$lineColor);
- }
- }
- //@扭曲文字
- public function distortionText(){
- $this->distortionImage=imagecreatetruecolor($this->width,$this->height);
- imagefill($this->distortionImage,0,0,$this->randBgColor);
- for($x=0;$x<$this->width;$x++){
- for($y=0;$y<$this->height;$y++){
- $rgbColor=imagecolorat($this->image,$x,$y);
- imagesetpixel($this->distortionImage,(int)($x+sin($y/$this->height*2*M_PI-M_PI*0.5)*3),$y,$rgbColor);
- }
- }
- $this->image=$this->distortionImage;
- }
- //@生成验证码图片
- public function createImage(){
- $this->initImage(); //创建基本图片
- $this->createText(); //输出验证码字符
- if($this->distortion){$this->distortionText();} //扭曲文字
- $this->createNoisePoint(); //产生干扰点
- $this->createNoiseLine(); //产生干扰线
- if($this->showBorder){imagerectangle($this->image,0,0,$this->width-1,$this->height-1,$this->randFontColor);} //添加边框
- imagepng($this->image);
- imagedestroy($this->image);
- if($this->distortion){imagedestroy($this->$distortionImage);}
- return $this->textContent;
- }
- }
- ?>
- code.php//new 一个对象,负责图片的创建以及验证码文本写入session
- session_start();
- header("Content-type:image/png");
- include('checkCode.class.php');
- $captcha5=new Captcha();
- //@设置验证码宽度
- //$captcha5->setWidth(200);
- //@设置验证码高度
- //$captcha5->setHeight(50);
- //@设置字符个数
- $captcha5->setTextNumber(4);
- //@设置字符颜色
- //$captcha5->setFontColor('#ffffff');
- //@设置字号大小
- //$captcha5->setFontSize(25);
- //@设置字体
- $captcha5->setFontFamily('c:\windows\fonts\comic.TTF');
- //@设置语言
- $captcha5->setTextLang('en');
- //@设置背景颜色
- //$captcha5->setBgColor('#000000');
- //@设置干扰点数量
- //$captcha5->setNoisePoint(600);
- //@设置干扰线数量
- //$captcha5->setNoiseLine(10);
- //@设置是否扭曲
- //$captcha5->setDistortion(true);
- //@设置是否显示边框
- $captcha5->setShowBorder(true);
- //输出验证码
- $code=$captcha5->createImage();
- $_SESSION['captchaCode']['content']=$code;
- //$_SESSION['captchaCode']['time']=microtime();
- ?>