//Usage of comparison table - $filename = "gb2utf8.txt";
- $fp = fopen($filename,"r");
- while(! feof ($fp)) {
- list($gb,$utf8) = fgetcsv($fp,10);
- $charset[$gb] = $utf8;
- }
- fclose($fp);
- //The above reading Lookup table to array for later use
/**gb2312 to utf-8**/
- function gb2utf8($text, &$charset) {
- //Extract the components in the text, Chinese characters are one element, continuous The non-Chinese characters are an element
- preg_match_all("/(?:[x80-xff].)|[x01-x7f]+/",$text,$tmp);
- $tmp = $tmp[0];
- / /Separate Chinese characters
- $ar = array_intersect($tmp, array_keys($charset));
- //Replace Chinese character encoding
- foreach($ar as $k=>$v)
- $tmp[$k] = $charset [$v];
- //Return the escaped string
- return join('',$tmp);
- }
/**utf-8 to gb2312**/
- function utf82gb($ text, &$charset) {
- $p = "/[xf0-xf7][x80-xbf]{3}|[xe0-xef][x80-xbf]{2}|[xc2-xdf][x80-xbf ]|[x01-x7f]+/";
- preg_match_all($p,$text,$r);
- $utf8 = array_flip($charset);
- foreach($r[0] as $k=>$v )
- if(isset($utf8[$v]))
- $r[0][$k] = $utf8[$v];
- return join('',$r[0]);
- }< /p>
- $s = gb2utf8('This is a test of the comparison table', $charset);
- echo utf82gb($s, $charset);
- ?>
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