之 ThinkPHP
of the Pier Framelment 1. Introduction ThinkPHP is a free open source, fast, simple, and objective lightweight PHP development framework, follow the Apache2 open source license agreement, in order to develop and simplify enterprise levels for agile web application development and simplify enterprise level Born for application development. ThinkPHP draws on many excellent foreign frameworks and models, such as using object-oriented development structure and MVC concept, adopting a single entry mode, integrating Struts and Action ideas and JSP's TagLib, RoR's ORMyingshe he ActiveRecord mode encapsulates CURD and some commonly used operations in products.
2. Features 1 Class library import: ThinkPHP uses a method based on class library packages and namespaces to import class libraries, allowing classes to Library import looks simpler and clearer, and it also supports conflict detection and alias import.
2>URL mode: The system supports normal mode, PATHINFO mode, REWRITE mode and compatible mode URLs, and supports different servers and runs Pattern deployment.
3>Compilation mechanism: Original core compilation and project dynamic compilation mechanism, effectively reducing the performance overhead of loading files in OOP development.
4>Query language: Built-in rich Query mechanism, including combined query, coincidence query, interval query, statistical query, etc.
5>View model: Easily and dynamically create database views
>Group module: Don’t worry about big data Project division of labor, coordination and deployment issues, group modules solve cross-project problemsTags combine the ideas of Smarty and JSP tag libraries,
8>Ajax support: built-in Ajax data return method, supports data return to the client in JSON, XML and EVAL formats, and the system does not bind any AJax class library
You can freely use the familiar Ajax class library to operate.
9> Caching mechanism: The system supports a variety of dynamic data including file mode, APC, DB, Memcahe, Shmop, etc. Cache type, as well as customizable static cache
3. Download method ThinkPHP is a free open source, fast, simple OOP lightweight PHP development framework. /thinkphp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk, core version: http://thinkphp.googlecode.com/svn/ThinkPHP The above has introduced the PHP framework ThinkPHP, including aspects of the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.