Install nginx
Download nginx (official website)
This download is: nginx/Windows-1.10.1 (Mainline version)
Then unzip the zip package and place it in the specified directory.
cmd to view the nginx -h command
<code>D:\nginx-<span>1.11</span><span>.1</span>>nginx.exe -h nginx version: nginx/<span>1.11</span><span>.1</span> Usage: nginx [-?hvVtTq] [-s <span>signal</span>] [-c filename] [-p prefix] [-g directives] Options: -?,-h : this help -v : show version <span>and</span><span>exit</span> -V : show version <span>and</span> configure options <span>then</span><span>exit</span> -t : test <span>configuration</span><span>and</span><span>exit</span> -T : test <span>configuration</span>, dump it <span>and</span><span>exit</span> -q : suppress non-error messages during <span>configuration</span> testing -s <span>signal</span> : send <span>signal</span><span>to</span> a master <span>process</span>: stop, quit, reopen, reload -p prefix : set prefix path (<span>default</span>: NONE) -c filename : set <span>configuration</span><span>file</span> (<span>default</span>: conf/nginx.conf) -g directives : set global directives <span>out</span><span>of</span><span>configuration</span><span>file</span></code>
Official website document command description (link):
<code>nginx/Windows runs <span>as</span><span>a</span> standard console application (<span>not</span><span>a</span> service), <span>and</span><span>it</span> can be managed <span>using</span><span>the</span> following commands: nginx -s stop fast shutdown nginx -s quit graceful shutdown nginx -s reload changing configuration, starting <span>new</span> worker processes <span>with</span><span>a</span><span>new</span> configuration, graceful shutdown <span>of</span> old worker processes nginx -s reopen re-opening <span>log</span><span>files</span></code>
Start nginx:D:nginx-1.11.1>start nginx.exe
Then open the browser and enter localhost, you can see the following:
At this point, nginx is installed on Windows.
Configuring PHP’s fast-cgi
Official tutorial (link)
Download RunHiddenConsole and place it in the specified directory, such as c:bin.
Create bat file: start-php-fcgi.bat. The content of the file is as follows (the php-cgi.exe directory needs to be configured): @ECHO OFF <br>
ECHO Starting PHP FastCGI... <br>
set PATH=C:PHP;%PATH% <br>
c:binRunHiddenConsole.exe C:PHPphp-cgi.exe -b
Start the start-php-fcgi.bat file.
Configure nginx file: nginx.conf.
Modify the server configuration:
<code><span>server</span> { listen <span>80</span>; server_name localhost; root e:; <span>#charset koi8-r;</span><span>#access_log logs/host.access.log main;</span> location / { <span>#root E:;</span><span>index</span><span>index</span>.html <span>index</span>.htm <span>index</span>.php; } <span>#error_page 404 /404.html;</span><span># redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html</span><span>#</span> error_page <span>500</span><span>502</span><span>503</span><span>504</span> /<span>50</span>x.html; location = /<span>50</span>x.html { root html; } <span># proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on</span><span>#</span><span>#location ~ \.php$ {</span><span># proxy_pass;</span><span>#}</span><span># pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on</span><span>#</span> location ~ \.php$ { <span>#root E:;</span> fastcgi_pass <span>127.0</span><span>.0</span><span>.1</span>:<span>9123</span>; fastcgi_index <span>index</span>.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;<span>#/scripts$fastcgi_script_name;</span> include fastcgi_params; } <span># deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root</span><span># concurs with nginx's one</span><span>#</span><span>#location ~ /\.ht {</span><span># deny all;</span><span>#}</span> }</code>
Create index.php
<code><span>echo</span><span>"it works"</span>;</code>
in the root directory and then restart nginx with cmd.
Open localhost in the browser and see:
Now nginx+php is configured.
').addClass('pre-numbering').hide(); $(this).addClass('has-numbering').parent().append($numbering); for (i = 1; i ').text(i)); }; $numbering.fadeIn(1700); }); });The above introduces the nginx environment setup (windows), including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.