$ASPservername : This variable must have an IP in
ASP file path on the server side.
$ASPfile : ASP file name
$ASPurlredirect: $ASP file parameters.
//Set variables
$ASPservername = "WEB_SQLSERVER";
$ASPport = 80;
$ASPpath = "/development/sqlserver/";
$ASPfile = "storedprocs.asp?";
$ASPurlredirect = "clienthostpage=".strstr($SCRIPT_NAME, "/");
//Connect to IIS/ASP server
$fp=fsockopen($ASPservername, $ASPport, &$errno, &$errstr);
if ($ FP) {/// Get mode to the server
$ srequest = "get". $ asppath. $ aspfile;
$ sprotocol = "http/1.0 nn"; {
$httpget $ASPurlredirect.
fputs($fp, $httpget);
. echo $line;
} else {
} else {
echo "$errstr ($errno)
The above introduces the iphone call firewall and PHP's ASP firewall, including the iphone call firewall. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.