[Abstract] Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a basic skill for our programming, and PHP4 provides good support for OOP. How to use OOP ideas to perform advanced programming of PHP is very meaningful for improving PHP programming capabilities and planning a good Web development architecture.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a basic skill for our programming, and PHP4 provides good support for OOP. How to use OOP ideas to perform advanced programming of PHP is very meaningful for improving PHP programming capabilities and planning a good Web development architecture. Below we will use examples to illustrate the practical significance and application methods of using PHP's OOP for programming.
When we usually build a website with a database backend, we will consider that the program needs to be suitable for different application environments. What is different from other programming languages is that in PHP, a series of specific functions are used to operate the database (if you do not use the ODBC interface). Although this is very efficient, the encapsulation is not enough. If there is a unified database interface, then we can apply it to a variety of databases without making any modifications to the program, thereby greatly improving the portability and cross-platform capabilities of the program.
To complete OOP in PHP, you need to implement object encapsulation, that is, write a class. We can achieve a simple encapsulation of the database by generating a new SQL class. For example:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
class SQL
var $Driver; //Actual database driver subclass
var $connection; //Shared database Connection variables
function DriverRegister($d)
$include_path = ini_get("include_path");
$DriverFile = $include_path."/".$d.". php";
//The driver storage path must be under the INCLUDE_PATH set in the PHP.ini file
if(file_exists($DriverFile)) //Check whether the driver exists
$this- >Driver = new $d();
//Generate the corresponding database driver class based on the driver name
return true;
return false; //Failed to register the driver
function Connect($host,$user ,$passwd,$database)//Function to connect to the database
$this-> ;Driver->passwd=$passwd;
$this->connection = $this->Driver->Connect();
function Close()//Close database function
function Query($queryStr)//Database string query function
return $this->Driver->query($queryStr,$this->connection);
function getRows($res)//Find rows
return $this->Driver->getRows( $res);
function getRowsNum($res)//Get the row number
return $this->Driver-> getRowsNum ($res);
Copy code The code is as follows:
Class MySQL
var $host;
var $user;
var $passwd;
var $database;
function MySQL() //利用构造函数实现变量初始化
$host = "";
$user = "";
$passwd = "";
$database = "";
function Connect()
$conn = MySQL_connect($this->host, $this->user,$this->passwd) or
die("Could not con nect to $ this->host");
MySQL_select_db($this->database,$conn) or
die("Could not swi tch to database $ this->database;");
return $conn;
function Close($conn)
function Query($queryStr, $conn)
$res =MySQL_query($queryStr, $conn) or
die("Could not que ry database");
return $res;
function getRows($res)
$rowno = 0;
$rowno = MySQL_num_rows($res);
for( $row=0;$row<$rowno;$row++)
return $rows;
function getRowsNum($res)
$rowno = 0;
$rowno = mysql_num_rows($res);
return $rowno;
复制代码 代码如下:
$sql = new < font color="#0000bb">SQL; //生成新的Sql对象
if($sql-> DriverRegister(“MySQL”& lt;font color="#007700">)) //注册数据库驱动
$sql->Connect(“localhost”,”root”&l t;font color="#007700">,””,”test”&l t;font color="#007700">);
$res=$sql->query(“select & lt;font color="#007700">* from test”); //返回查询记录集
$rowsnum = $sql->getRowsNum($res);
if($rowsnum > 0)
$rows = $sql->getRows($res);
foreach($rows as $row) //循环取出记录集内容
foreach($row as $field){
print $field;}
以上就介绍了 PHP面向对象编程快速入门,包括了方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。