1. The use of arrays in PHP
When operating databases, it is very helpful to use associatively-indexed arrays. Let’s look at a basic array traversal in digital format:
$temp[0] = "richmond";
$temp[1] = "tigers";
$temp[2] = "premiers";
echo $temp[$x];
echo " ";
However, another way to save code is:
$temp = array("richmond", "tigers", " premiers");
foreach ($temp as $element)
echo "$element ";
foreach can also output text subscripts:
$temp = array("club" => "richmond",
"nickname" =>"tigers",
"aim" => "premiers");
foreach ($temp as $key => $value)
echo "$key : $value " ;
The PHP manual describes about 50 functions for working with arrays.
2. Add variables to the PHP string
This is very simple:
$temp = "hello"
echo "$temp world";
But it should be noted that although the following The example has no errors:
$temp = array("one" => 1, "two" => 2);
// Output:: The first element is 1
echo "The first element is $temp[one].";
But if the following echo statement is not enclosed in double quotes, an error will be reported, so it is recommended to use curly braces:
$temp = array("one" => 1, "two" => 2);
echo "The first element is {$temp["one"]}.";
3. Use associative array to access query results
See below Example:
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "albert", "shhh");
mysql_select_db("winestore", $connection);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT cust_id, surname,
firstname FROM customer", $connection);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "ID:t{$row["cust_id"]}n";
echo "Surnamet{$row[ "surname"]}n";
echo "First name:t{$row["firstname"]}nn";
The function mysql_fetch_array() puts a row of the query result into the array, which can be used at the same time Referenced in two ways, for example, cust_id can be referenced in the following two ways at the same time: $row["cust_id"] or $row[0]. Obviously, the former is much more readable than the latter.
In multi-table join query, if two column names are the same, it is best to use aliases to separate them:
SELECT winery.name AS wname,
region.name AS rname,
FROM winery, region
WHERE winery.region_id = region.region_id ;
The reference of column name is: $row["wname"] and $row["rname"].
When the table name and column name are specified, only the column name is quoted:
SELECT winery.region_id
FROM winery
The reference of the column name is: $row["region_id"].
The reference of the aggregate function is the reference name:
SELECT count(*)
FROM customer;
The reference of the column name is: $row["count(*)"].
4. Pay attention to common PHP bugs
Common PHP error correction problems are:
No page rendered by the Web browser when much more is expected
A pop-up dialog standing that the "Document Contains No Data"
A partial page when more is expected
Most of the reasons for these situations are not the logic of the script, but bugs in the HTML or bugs in the HTML generated by the script.For example, if closing tags like , , are missing, the page cannot be refreshed. The solution to this problem is to view the source code of HTML.
For complex pages whose reasons cannot be found, you can analyze them through W3C's page verification program http://validator.w3.org/.
If the variable is not defined, or the variable definition is wrong, the program will become weird. For example, the following infinite loop:
for($counter=0; $counter<10; $Counter++)
The variable $Counter is increasing, and $counter is always less than 10. This type of error can generally be found by setting a higher error reporting level:
for($counter=0; $counter<10; $Counter++)
5. Use the header() function to process single-part queries
In many Web database applications, some functions often allow users to continue to stay on the current page after clicking a connection. I call this kind of work "single-part query" .
The following is a script called calling.php:
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/ Loose.dtd "& gt;
& lt; html & gt;
& lt; head & gt;
& lt; title & gt; calling page exmple & lt;/title & lt;/head & gt;
& lt; body & gt;
& lt; a href = "action.php" >Click here!