An array is a set of values arranged in order. In contrast, the attribute names of objects are unordered. Essentially, arrays use numbers as lookup keys, while objects have user-defined property names. JavaScript does not have a true associative array, but objects can be used to implement associated functions
Array() is just a special type of Object(), that is, an Array() instance is basically an Object() instance with some extra functionality. Arrays can hold any type of values, these values can be updated or deleted at any time, and the size of the array is dynamically adjusted
1. Array creation
Like most objects in Javascript, array objects can be created using the new operator in conjunction with the Array() constructor, or by using literal syntax
【1】Using the Array constructor (when using the Array constructor, you can also omit the New operator), you can pass the value of the array instance to the constructor, separated by commas as parameters, and the Array() constructor can receive 4294967295 (approximately 4.3 billion) parameters
If there is only one parameter: if a value is passed, it will be used to set the length of the array; if another type of parameter is passed, an array with only one item containing that value will be created
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【2】Use array literal representation
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2. Array operations
When reading and setting array values, use square brackets and provide the 0-based numeric index of the corresponding value
The length attribute of the array represents the number of values in the array, and the numeric index of the array starts from 0; and the length attribute is readable and writable. By setting the Length attribute of the array, you can remove items from the end of the array or Adds new items to the array. If the length is set higher than the actual number of values in the array, undefined values will be added to the array; if the number of length values is set less than the number of values in the array, values in the array may be deleted
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When a value is placed at a position that exceeds the size of the array, the array will recalculate its length value, that is, the length value is equal to the index of the last item plus 1, and Javascript will use undefined values to fill all items before the current index. Index
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[tips] Use the length attribute to easily add new items at the end of the array
colors[colors.length] = 'black';
3. Inheritance method
Returns a comma-separated string
concatenated from the string form of each value in the arrayvalueof()
What is returned is still an array
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When calling this method, the value of each item in the array calls the toLocaleString() method
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4. Instance methods
Array conversion
The toLocaleString(), toString(), and valueOf() methods inherited by the array will return the array items in the form of comma-separated characters by default; the join() method can use different delimiters to construct the string. , the join() method only receives one parameter, a string used as a delimiter, and then returns a string containing all array items. If no value is passed to the join() method, or undefined is passed, a comma is used as the separator
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[Note] If the value of an item in the array is null or undefined, the value will be represented by an empty string in the results returned by the join(), toLocaleString(), toString() and valueOf() methods
Array detection
Since ES3 made the regulations, the classic problem of determining whether an object is an array has arisen. The common method is to use the instance operator, but this method has its limitations; ES5 specifically adds the isArray() method to detect arrays
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The problem with the instanceof operator is that it assumes that there is only one global execution environment. If the web page contains multiple frames, there are actually more than two different global environments, and thus more than two different versions of the Array constructor. If an array is passed from one frame to another, the array passed in and the array created natively in the second frame have different constructors
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However, the toString() method can be called across prototype chains in different frameworks
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ES5 adds the Array.isArray() method to ultimately determine whether a value is an array, regardless of the global environment in which it was created
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indexOf() 从前向后查找
lastIndexOf() 从后向前查找
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