Notes on usage:
Modify the absolute path of the iis log in the iis.php file
For example: $folder="c:/windows/system32/logfiles/site log directory/"; //Be sure to include a slash (/) after //.
( Don’t know how to check the absolute path of your site using virtual space? Upload a probe to check!
Direct viewing method: http://site domain name/iis.php
Local viewing method: download the log to local http:// )
//Site log directory, please note that this directory must have site user read permission!
//If you download the log locally, please modify the URL on line 143 to the URL of your website , this operation is not necessary and does not affect the analysis results.
//To modify the file name iis.php, you need to modify the corresponding code at the same time ctrl+h and replace all iis.php with the file name you want to modify, otherwise the program will run incorrectly.
//If the iis log file is too large, it may cause the program to time out! At the same time, it is not recommended for everyone to use!
The following is the PHP source code:
Cowboy IIS log spider crawling record analysis Device V1.1 (PHP GB2312 version)
Author: Cowboy
QQ: 172379201
//==================== ================================
header("content-type:text/html; charset=gb2312");
//Site log directory. Note that this directory must have read permission for the site user!
$folder="C:/WINDOWS/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC1155699908/";//Remember to include a slash after it!
$pagesize = 25;//Set the number of paging display items!
$type = addslashes($_GET['type']);
if ($type)$ type = base64_decode($type);
$showfile = addslashes($_GET['showfile']);
$page = addslashes($_GET['page']);
if (!$page)$page=1;
//Open the directory
if (!$type){
if (file_exists($ folder))
') {{F $ file = "$ file";
$ arr_file [] = $ file;
if (is_array ($ Arr_file)) {
for ($ i = count ($ arr_file) -1 ;$i>=0;$i--)
"25%" align="center">Google
< ."&showfile=".$arr_file[$i]."">Yahoo(yahoo)";
$html = indexhtml();
$copy = mycopy();
$html = str_replace("[showlog]",$indexstr,$html);
$html = str_replace("[copy]",$copy,$ html);
echo $html;
echo "The log directory does not exist or has insufficient permissions, please check the settings!";
" exit();
" }
}elseif ($type=='Baiduspider'){
" echo show($type,$folder,$showfile,$page,$pagesize);
}elseif ($type== 'Googlebot'){
echo show($type,$folder,$showfile,$page,$pagesize);
}elseif ($type=='yahoo'){
echo show($type,$folder,$showfile ,$page,$pagesize);
function show($type,$folder,$showfile,$page,$pagesize)
if ($type=='Baiduspider')
$title='Baidu ';
}elseif ($type=='Googlebot'){
'; type&&$folder&&$showfile)
echo "The log file does not exists, please check the settings!";
while (!feof($fp))
$str = fgets($fp);
$str =iconv("UTF-8","GB2312//IGNORE",$str);
$tmpcount = explode(" ",$str);
if ($tmpcount[11]==200)$t++;
if ($tmpcount[11]==304)$h++;
if ($tmpcount[11]==404)$y++;
$count = count($temp);
if ($page==1)
$mynum = $count-$pagesize;
$countshow =$count-($page*$pagesize-$pagesize);
$mynum = $count-$page*$pagesize;
$pagecount =ceil(count($temp) / $pagesize);
if ($page>=$pagecount)
$mynum = $pagecount;
for ($i=$countshow-1;$i>=$mynum;$i--)
$num = explode(" ",$temp[$i]);
当前1/2页 12下一页
以上就介绍了IIS日志 php IIS日志分析搜索引擎爬虫记录程序第1/2页,包括了IIS日志方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。